The Wallet - Nijimura Shūzō x Reader

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f.t. Aomine Daiki, Momoi Satsuki, Akashi Seijūrō and Haizaki Shōgo

You weren't the best looking girl in your neighbourhood, and your life wasn't exactly perfect, but you were happy with whatever you had. You were the only child, living with your mother in the heart of Japan. Your father had passed away years ago, and your mother had to work her butt off to support the both of you. [A/N: Gomenasai, you have an amazing father and this is just a story so bear with me]

You went to Teiko Middle School with your best friend, Momoi Satsuki. She was always there for you, even when you lost your father. She helped your mother with her work even when you didn't and her childhood friend, Aomine Daiki, would always tag along. But he never did any work, he just played basketball with you. The two of them were like family to you.

While Momoi and Aomine were in the basketball club at school, you were in the music club, because you loved music [yeah no shit] and you played [Your Instrument]. You also did pretty well in your studies to get a scholarship at [Your Favourite Uni]. Today was the day that everyone had to purchase new books for the new term. Your mother had given you a large amount of money for it and you kept the money safely in your wallet. [Let's just say you preferred wallets over purses 👍]. You walked inside the school building and saw Aomine and Momoi waiting for you at your locker.

"[F/N]-chan! Ohayō!", Momoi said cheerily.

"Ohayō Satsuki, Daiki", you said smiling.

"You look good today, [F/N]", Aomine said as he slung an arm around you. [You lucky bit-ahem sorry]

"Oh shut up, Aho"

The bell rang, signalling that it was time to buy the textbooks. The three of you walked to the hall and lined up. While Aomine was checking out girls boobs and Momoi was yelling at him, you searched your bag for your wallet. You frowned when you didn't and frantically searched again. You cursed softly when you failed to find it. Momoi turned to you and looked at your troubled facial expression.

"[F/N]-chan, is everything okay?", she asked.

"No, I-I lost my wallet, Satsuki. My mum gave me a shit load of money and she's gonna kill me if she finds out", you said trying not to cry.

"Oi, [F/N], calm down. We'll help you find it, don't worry", Aomine butted in. [A/N: Teiko Aomine I cri]

You nodded and began searching.

~Meanwhile with Nijimura~

He was rushing to the principals office. He didn't have money to pay for his books as he had spent most of it on his father's welfare. But as he was moving fast across the hallways, he tripped over something and fell face wards onto the floor. Haizaki who was watching him burst out laughing and walked away, telling the whole story to the bunch of whores he had with him. Nijimura shot him a glare and got up, brushing the dirt off his clothes. He looked down and saw that he had tripped over a [Your Favourite Colour] wallet. He picked it up and looked inside, there was enough money for his textbooks. He looked around before taking it to the hall where he bought his books.[He would never steal money but if u want to get with Shuuzou then just go with it]. He took his bag of new books and was about to leave when someone tapped his shoulder.

"Ano, sumimasen, I was just wondering, by any chance have you seen a [Y/F/C] wallet?", you asked.

He looked at you, examining your features for a bit too long. He thought that you were absolutely beautiful. You had to snap him out of his trance by snapping your fingers in front of his face.

"Oh, uh, sorry. What did you say?", he asked.

"I asked you if you had seen a [Y/F/C] wallet"

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