Rooftop Jealousy - Aomine Daiki x Kise Ryōta Pt. 1

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f.t. Imayoshi Shouichi and Momoi Satsuki

Today, there was a basketball club meeting at Tōō High. The teams that were present were: Tōō Gakuen, Kaijō Academy and Shutoku Academy.

"Aominecchi! I've missed you soo muccchhh! I'm so glad to see you", Kise chirped as he rushed over to give Aomine a hug.

"Get off me, teme. Yeah, yeah I missed you too", Aomine said keeping a straight face.

"Aominecchi, so mean! I've been waiting so long for this day. Anyway, do you wanna go the rooftop? I know that's your favourite place. I even brought some Mai-chan magazines for you to read!"

"Hm, yeah let's go to the - wait did you say Mai-chan?", Aomine said surprised.

"Hai, here it is", Kise said taking it out from his sling bag and passed it to him.

"Uh, arigatō gozaimasu, Kise", Aomine said. He truly was thankful for once in his life.

Kise grinned and waved it off. "Īnda yo", he said.

They were about to leave when suddenly someone placed a hand on Aomine's shoulder.

"Aomine where are you headed to?", Imayoshi asked.

"To the rooftop, where else baka?", Aomine replied.

Imayoshi chuckled and looked at Kise. "Kise Ryōta, what are you doing here?"

"I was about to take Aominecchi up to the rooftop until you interrupted us", Kise said glaring at Imayoshi.

"Ne, Kise, don't get so tensed. I just need to borrow Aomine for a while"


"Kise, please? I'll return him after", Imayoshi said with that usual glint in his eyes.

Kise growled and huffed. "Fine, but I'm coming with"

"Very well then. Come, Aomine"

"Eh, yeah sure", he said and followed Imayoshi. Kise frowned and tried to keep up. Imayoshi was laughing and joking around with Aomine, the worst part was that Aomine actually listened. But he also didn't give a shit. Aomine could care less.

After all the work stuff was done, Kise sighed as if to say 'finally'.

"Aomine, me, Wakamatsu and Sakurai are going out for lunch, care to join?", Imayoshi asked.

"Eh-", Aomine started but Kise cut him off.

"No, Aominecchi is not hungry. You can leave now Imayoshi-san"

"Oh, bummer. Maybe next time Aomine", Imayoshi said smirking.

Kise got furious and gripped Aomine's arm. He dragged him upstairs and pushed him through the doors of the rooftop entrance. Turning around he locked it and stalked over to Aomine. Aomine was looking at him curiously but he was also nervous of what Kise would do.

"Aominecchi, you've been a bad boy today, haven't you?", Kise asked.

"Oi, Kise, what are you talking ab-"

"Damara, Aominecchi. You and Imayoshi-san are pretty close, yes?"


"Aominecchi, I am going to fuck you on this rooftop, right here, right now. And I'm going to show you that you belong to me. Me, Aominecchi. Only me. Now be a good bottom, and take your clothes off"

"Kise, nanishiteruno?", Aomine asked.

"Aominecchi, you better obey or things will get messy"

"Kise not here..."


"Okay, okay...hentai"

Aomine stripped from his shirt and pants, revealing his muscular, tanned body. Kise smirked and gripped the back of his neck.

"Good boy, Aominecchi", he said and kissed Aomine with so much passion.

The rape was about to start [XD]. Aomine was flustered and turned on. Kise had stripped from his clothes too. They got ready to run, and then

"Dai-chan, nanishite - DAI-CHAN!!!", Momoi shrieked. [Guess Kise didn't lock the door properly ;) ]

"Shimata!", Kise cursed and quickly moved away to slip on his boxers, followed by Aomine.

"Satsuki, what the hell are you doing here?!", Aomine growled.

"What am I...Aomine-kun, the question is what are you doing here WITH KI-CHAN and why were you guys about to have sex?!", Momoi exclaimed.

"Momocchi, you ruined the moment", Kise whined.

"Nani?! Ki-chan you almost raped- okay you know what? Heck this, you guys can just have sex and make hundreds of Aokise babies. Goodbye", she said and walked away.

Aomine sighed and scratched the back of his neck. 

"Ne, Aominecchi, should we continue?", Kise asked.

"If you let me top", Aomine said.

"Deal", Kise nodded.

"Now where we we?", Aomine asked seductively.


P.S. they made hundreds of Aokise babies. You are welcome.

Coming up :

Midorima Shintaro x Reader

Akashi Seijuro x Kuroko Tetsuya

Aomine x Kise (Part 2)

Hyuga Junpei x Aida Riko

Another Midorima x Reader (Requested by Devi_S)

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