Duet - Akashi Seijūrō x Reader

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[A/N: This idea was given by tickleAssassin arigatou senpai

Check out the song above, it's rly good]

You skipped to school that day really excited. In one hand were your books and in the other you carried your precious violin case with your beautifully polished violin inside. You had been watching this TV show for the past week and you were really hooked on it. It was about various musicians and them having to perform for five minutes with their own instrument in front of a huge crowd with judges. There was one musician who appealed to you among all the others and this musician played the violin. You watched in awe as he played the instrument so well, as if that thing was a part of his body, you admired it. So that was what led you to take up violin classes. And by classes I mean you just thought yourself by watching videos online. 

There was just one teeny weeny little  problem though. You couldn't play for shit. No matter how much passion you had for the instrument, somehow you just couldn't seem to get it right. You actually thought you were good and continued to play that way, but when other people listened to it they couldn't help but cringe. [A/N: Hah. You suck//shoved into a black hole]. So on that day you brought your violin to school and went straight to the music room to practice. You took your violin out from its casing and started playing a simple song. It consisted of a few notes, but it screeched whenever you slid the bow across the strings. You smiled and continued to play, but little did you know a certain red-haired male was walking by and heard the terrible noises coming out of that room.

Akashi couldn't help but to stop and observe who exactly dared too insult music this way, but when he saw that it was you, he decided to stop and stare while you played with your eyes closed. Akashi smirked while watching you. You were indeed really pretty and intelligent too, but your skills were just.....yeah, they were bad. [A/N: I'm vry sorry *bows*]. After you were done you sighed happily and opened your eyes only to find the red-head staring at you which made you jump and squeak a little.

"A-Akashi-kun, how long have you been standing there?", you asked shyly as a hint of pink tinted your cheeks.

"Not that long, but I did hear you play", he said stepping forward.

"O-Oh, w-well, h-how'd you like it?", you asked.

You knew Akashi was very famous for playing the violin and you looked up to him. You had expected an answer like, 'Yeah, you did well' or 'Not bad for a first year' but what he said made your eyes widen in shock.

"It was terrible"

"What?! Akashi-kun, how could you say that?!"

"I don't mean to be rude, [F/N], I'm just being honest. You have no talent whatsoever. So please, until you learn how to play this instrument properly then as a member of the student council I must ban you from using the music room because no one appreciates such noise so early in the morning"

You felt tears sting your eyes as you gripped your violin tighter. Who did he think he is? Crushing your dreams like that. You were beyond furious but mostly hurt because you had never expected someone to say that to you.

"A-am I really t-that bad?", you asked softly, shifting your gaze to the floor.

Akashi suddenly felt a pang in his chest. He frowned as he was weirded out by this guilty sensation. He had never felt it before, but this time, he did, and maybe because he was with you. He watched as droplets of tears fell from your eyes, looking like every bit of enthusiasm was sucked out of you. He sighed and stepped up onto the stage and took the violin from your hand, placing it safely in the case. He then turned to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

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