In Exchange - Takao Kazunari x Reader

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[A/N: Warning: Angst Imagine

I'm all out with the angst again, I guess this is going to be the last angst imagine for a while. 

Also, I'm lacking ideas for stories so don't hesitate to request, even if this is your second time heh. (I have no one *cries*). I don't do lemons but limes are okay I guess *shudders* but all requests shall be accepted open-heartedly. 

Don't even ask me abt the titles of my imagines, like, they have a deep meaning to it but most of u out there may be like what on earth is this piece of shit writer naming her imagines?

So yeah, I hope I make u guys cry in this one XD

P.S This is gonna have A LOT of time skips]

Takao Kazunari, your beloved husband of 2 years now was lying down on the couch watching some TV. It was a rainy day and you loved rainy days since the weather felt cool and you could always stay inside and have a hot drink in your favourite mug whilst snuggling with your significant other. Takao on the contrary, didn't very much favour rainy days since he was the one to always be running about, having fun outdoors and tanning in the sun. But Takao didn't despise a warm evening in as well. You set his steaming mug of coffee in front of him and kissed his forehead.

"Drink up, Kazu, or it'll get cold", you said and sat yourself next to him.

"Hai, haii. Arigatō, tsuma", he said smirking. [A/N: Tsuma means wife]

You blushed and sipped on your tea, getting comfortable on the sofa. Takao wrapped an arm around you and continued watching the TV. 

"Ne, Kazu, remember the time when I had to babysit my neighbour's son, and you came over to ask for help on a school project? We ended up babysitting him together and you got puke all over you", you giggled at the thought. 

Takao laughed, "That little scoundrel. Yeah, I remember. Why do you ask, [F/N]-chan?"

"I met his mother while I was doing the groceries last week. He was there too, he really has grown up. He's twelve now, has got hundreds of girls surrounding him"

"At twelve? Whoa, he's lucky. I remember when I was twelve, I was such a dork, no one would look at me", Takao said.

"Aw, you didn't look that bad, you were pretty cute.....a little", you chuckled.

"This is why I told my mom not  to show you my photo albums", he said making the two of you laugh.

"If you think I'm bad though, you should look at Shin-chan. He was such a geek", Takao said laughing.

"I can imagine, his baby face with glasses and how he would blush whenever a girl would ask him for help cause he's smart", you said.

"Such a tsundere"

You and Takao laughed again, glad that you had these memories with you.

"Speaking about baby faces...[F/N]-chan, don't you think it's time?", he asked.

"Eh? What...oh...oh want to have-"

"Yeah...I do", he said with hope in his eyes.

You smiled at him and snuggled closer. "I guess", you sighed, "since it has been two years. Thank you for waiting, Kazu"

"No problem, love. So, do you want a girl or a boy?", he asked.

"Boy", you said grinning. "But I'll take whatever we get, and I'll love them the same"

"That's my wife", he said smiling.

Slowly Takao lifted himself up and pushed you back against the couch. 

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