Diary - Midorima Shintarō x Reader

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f.t. Takao Kazunari

"Shintarō-kun! Ohayō!!", you said cheerily as you greeted your boyfriend in front of his house.

"[F/N]? What are you doing here so early in the morning nanodayo?", he asked and caught you as you jumped into his arms.

He blushed and hugged you back while you snuggled closer to him.

"I had nothing to do at home. Saturday's are really boring because my parents are never home. They always go out on dates and I throw up every time", you said cringing.

Midorima smiled and kissed the top of your head. "It's okay, you're always welcome here, nanodayo"

"Awww, Shintarō-kun, you're being awfully sweet today, kissing my head and all", you teased.

Midorima blushed again and pushed you away from him. "It was only to show you that I cared, nanodayo. Nothing more"

"Shintarō-kun, caring about me is enough for me to worry about you. Have you been on some kind of drugs lately?"

"[F/N], stop your nonsense"

You laughed and punched his shoulder playfully. "Just messing with ya, carrot"

Midorima grumbled and looked away.

"So, which rank is Cancer on today, hm?", you asked.

"5th, nanodayo. My lucky items are the colour blue and a compass"

"I'm guessing you bought a-"

"Blue compass, yes, I did nanodayo"

"Hm, you know those things are fake right? You gotta make your own luck in this world"

"If I were to make it on my own, it wouldn't be as good compared to when I follow the horoscopes nanodayo"

"Maa, maa, Shintarō-kun, you really are hopeless"


"But I still love you", you said smiling causing Midorima to blush crimson.

"[F/N], why don't we go to your house instead?", Midorima asked.

"Why can't we go to yours?"

"Oh, it's just that my younger sister has her friends over for the day and I really can't stand them. Why do you think I came to stand outside, nanodayo?"

You laughed, "Okay, we can go to my house then"

"Good. We might have to wait a while, Takao is on his way with the rickshaw nanodayo"

"Shintarō-kun, it's okay! He doesn't have to come all the way, we can just walk", you said hurriedly.

"He's already on his way, [F/N]"

You nodded unwillingly and looked down. You tried to avoid Takao, but dating his best friend made it hard for you. He was always around, when you ate lunch at the school cafeteria with Midorima, when you guys were sitting at class he would always sit next to either you or your boyfriend, when you hung out with Midorima after school, he would be there too. Midorima being the dense person he is didn't notice that of course, but you did and it bothered you.

Suddenly you heard something pulling up in front of you and you saw Takao on the rickshaw.

"Hai, hai, Shin-chan, [F/N]-chan, sorry I'm a little late. I got caught up in traffic", Takao said.

"Next time leave early, nanodayo", Midorima said and got in the cart while you gave Takao an apologetic smile. 

You followed in after Midorima and took a seat on his lap.

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