The Painful Truth - Hanamiya Makoto x Reader Pt. 1

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[A/N: Warning: Angst Imagine!

Going all out with the angst this week....again. I'm going to write angst for most of the KNB characters.

The next angst will probably be a Himuro one, not sure yet though. But I'm thinking of writing a Kiyoshi one too. And speaking of Kiyoshi, he shall be featured in this imagine so good luck reading.

Also the plot for this may be rly shitty so gomen ne]

f.t. Kiyoshi Teppei

Hanamiya was never the one to swoon over a girl, but when it came to you it was a totally different story. You have been dating Hanamiya ever since you joined Kirisaki Daīchi, Hanamiya being a year older to you. Hanamiya first saw you at one of his friendly matches held in school, and he found you quite intriguing. You watched the match with full focus and analysed every single part of it. You were quite shocked, disappointed even, when you saw that his team used dirty play. On that day, Hanamiya made extra effort to thrash his opponents in front of you, showing you what a bad boy he could be, but you on the other hand, weren't impressed at all. After the game, you confronted Hanamiya who held that stupid cocky smirk on his face the entire time.

"Are you done with your complaining, my dear kouhai?", he asked smirking.

You huffed and stomped on his foot making him yelp manly and glare at you.

"It hurts much more than just that when I see you doing it to your opponents. So cut out the dirty play will you?", you asked.

Hanamiya rolled his eyes, but then and idea popped into his head.

"I'll lessen it, but only for a price...", he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Really?! Why thank you! So, what is it that I have to do?", you asked excitedly.

Hanamiya smirked and reached out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear.

"Be mine, dear kouhai. All I need is for you to be mine", he said.

You eyes widened at his request and you took a step back, blushing furiously.

"A-Are you n-nuts?! I'm a year younger than you! P-Plus, I don't even l-like you, that much....", you said looking down.

"Are you sure about that, [L/N]?", he asked.

You fiddled with your fingers and kept your gaze on the floor. Hanamiya smirked at you, he couldn't help but marvel in how you cute you were.

"So? What do ya say?", he asked.

You looked at him uncertainly and took a deep breath.

"Fine! But if I find myself not liking you then I have the right to end the relationship", you said.

He chuckled as he slipped and arm around your waist. "We'll see about that, [F/N]-chan", he said.

And that was how you fell in love for the first time.

It had been over a year, and you watched as Hanamiya got defeated by the all-famous Seirin. You didn't believe it at first. How could such a small team rise with only the addition of two players? That was when you met the team personally, and they turned out to be really nice people. You spent half of the time apologising to them on Hanamiya's behalf, since you were there to witness how badly Kiyoshi was beaten up. Kiyoshi was an angel, you found it hard to dislike him in any circumstance. With that one meeting of you and the team, you became incredibly close to all of them, occasionally hanging out with the first years, Kagami and Kuroko, the senpai's (you and Riko were extremely close), but mostly, you hung out with Kiyoshi.

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