Stone Cold - Aomine Daiki x Reader Pt. 2

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[A/N: Part 2 as promised! I got a few comments about the previous part saying that they wanted a part 2 and so did my friends at school so tadaa! 

Gomenasai if I made your heart break in the previous Daiki angst *bows repeatedly*

So here we go!]

[E/C]=Eye colour

f.t. Momoi Satsuki, Katsunori Harasawa and Shika Hayashi (made up character)

Waking up that morning you felt devastated as usual. You had to go to school, and going to school meant that you had to look at him. You had to look at him with her. You sighed and walked into the shower. Ah well, that ganguro never comes to class anyway.

~Time skippuh (at school)~

You walked through the large halls of Tōō alone. You carried your books in one hand and your bag slung around your right shoulder. While you were walking your eyes trailed to the people walking in the opposite direction, and that as when you spotted him amongst the crowd. He was obviously with her, holding hands as usual. That simple affection of his towards her broke your heart. Aomine never held your hand when he walked out on the streets with you. He said he wasn't into that kind of lovey dovey shit. But what do we have here? Oh right:

Here we observe, in it's natural habitat, a hypocrite ganguro.

You sighed and kept looking at him. You weren't afraid of being caught staring at him because he never once looked your way after he broke up with you. But today was some kind of miracle day, because his navy blue eyes looked over to your [E/C] ones. Your eyes widened and you quickly averted your gaze to the floor and Aomine noticed your actions. Next to him was Shika Hayashi, basically she was the bitchiest bitch of the entire school. You wouldn't have minded if Aomine had gotten someone nice, but he just had to go for her.

She was chattering away about some dress she saw the other day to Aomine, but Aomine wasn't listening, he was too busy looking at you. [A/N: Cos u have such a beautiful face 😍]. You could tell that Shika was starting to get annoyed by the fact that Aomine wasn't paying attention to her, and suddenly her cold eyes pierced through you. She glared at you while you tried to ignore her and Aomine by walking as fast as you could to class. You had Japanese History for first period, and you almost fell asleep because who the hell pays attention to History first thing in the morning? While you were sitting there your mind drifted to Aomine, of why he had looked at you today. 

Did he hurt me so badly that by him just looking at me I consider it as a good sign?

You sighed and massaged your temples. This guy really knew how to mess with your head.

~Another time skippuh. Brought to you by Kise Ryōta~ [LOOK AT HIS BLUSH]

After class you went to your locker to get your art supplies for art class

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After class you went to your locker to get your art supplies for art class. You really loved art and you always drew whenever you had the time. You always got inspiration very easily, as you look at things at a different angle and not just as it is. When you and Aomine were dating he would always admire every one of your works, even though he's not the kind of guy who enjoys art. He couldn't help but be fascinated at the fact that his girlfriend could do such wonders that can be impossible for someone to accomplish. There was one painting that he really liked though - the painting of a Greek goddess. Only because it was very revealing. You remembered how you used to hit him for making such crude remarks about the woman's body. You laughed slightly, and then sad smile grew onto your lips. You did miss him. A lot. 

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