Blackmail Gone Wrong - AoKise Pt.3

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In continuation of Tsunderima - Midorima x Takao Pt.2

[A/N: Warning: This might be a teensy bit sexual but not to worry though]

"Hey baby", Aomine said smirking as he walked over to Kise and groped his ass. [A/N: Told u]

"Aominecchi, don't do that in public ~ssu!", he whined.

"Urusai, baka. I'll do whatever I want with you from now on", Aomine said rolling his eyes.

"Aominecchi, I think you're forgetting something", Kise said pinning him against the lockers.

"Kise don't even- "

Kise had cut him off by smashing his lips on Aomine's ones, and parted Aomine's lips with his tongue. Aomine tried to push him away with his hands but Kise kept him in place. They pull away after a while, both gasping for air. Aomine's face turned beet red, both from anger and embarrassment. 

"KISE YOU TEME I'M GOING TO RAPE YOUR ASS SO HARD YOU WILL CRY!", Aomine yelled and grabbed Kise by the collar and dragged his mofo ass to the rooftop.

"Aom-i-ine-cchiii, st-o-op, you're cho-ok-king m-m-ee", Kise gasped.

"Shut up, baka. You better be prepared to choke on my dick", Aomine threatened.

They reached the rooftop and Aomine shoved Kise in, locking the door.

"I'm gonna top and you are going to obey", Aomine said stripping from his shirt. His tanned abs and muscles were revealed. Kise licked his lips and shook his head.

"Aominecchi, you never top", Kise said staring him down.

"Oh really? What about now?", Aomine said smirking and holding up a picture.

It was a picture of Kise naked and damn, Daniel, he looked hot. Kise gaped at Aomine in horror.

"Where the hell did you get that?", Kise asked surprised.

"Well I think that Moriyama guy can be very useful at times"

Kise growled and tried to grab the picture but Aomine lifted it up quickly.

"Tch, stop doing that, baka. If you let me top I won't show anyone", Aomine teased.

"Fuck you, fine! I hate you so much. I can't believe you- ", Kise complained but was cut off by Aomine's lips.

Greedily, Aomine's hand roamed all around Kise's body, feeling every inch of skin he could. Kise's hands slowly travelled up Aomine's back and grasped his neck. One hand started to move down and neared Aomine's pants.

"Got it!", Kise exclaimed and pulled the embarrassing picture of him out of Aomine's pocket.

"W-Wait, Kise no!", Aomine yelled but it was too late.

Kise had ripped the picture apart, leaving no traces of the full picture behind.


"Damara, Aominecchi. Get on the bottom", Kise snapped.


Kise pushed him down and straddled his lap. Slowly his eyes turned golden and sharp. He glared at Aomine so scarily, Aomine felt shivers down his spine.

"O-Oi, baka, stop that", Aomine stuttered.

Kise smirked and once again resumed making out.

~Time skippuh~

"Ah, Kise, it hurts so much", Aomine grumbled as he struggled to walk.

"Just don't think about it, Aominecchi. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it", Kise said slipping an arm around Aomine's waist to help him walk.

Aomine grumbled and leaned his head on Kise's shoulder.

"Aww, you're so kawaii, Aominecchi. I love you ~ssu!", Kise chirped.

"Ughh.....I hate you"

Kise only chuckled and kept on walking.

"Love you too", Aomine said softly.


*squeals* That was awesome! Kami, I ship itt!

I just wrote the Nijimura imagine and it featured Haizaki so I was thinking of doing a Haizaki imagine but idk the plot yet. But not to worry! I have awesomesauce friends who will help me. Aka:Devi_Sdivi0lurves0percy and sehejkeerat

You guys will help your Kouhai, ryt? *begs*

Coming up:

Teiko Special - AoKuro

Nijimura x Reader

Momoi x Male!Reader

Akashi x Reader

Haizaki x Reader

Sayonara X 

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