Koala Bears - Kagami Taiga x Reader

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[A/N: Be warned that this imagine/poop was written by me, Devi _S. So, be prepared for fluff(I have been told that I do that a lot)]

It had been the week of basketball for you and your boyfriend, Kagami Taiga, the ace of Seirin's basketball team. Though none of you did anything physical, you guys ran a full-blown marathon of NBA basketball matches. The routine was that you guys would wake up super early before school and start watching. Simultaneously, you'd be recording the games that would take place during school hours or when you guys were not at home. Then, at about 6pm, the both of you would plop down on the couch and watch the recorded shows. Sometimes, when any one of you were held back for extra-curricular classes, which was mostly Kagami since his coach Riko, who was older than you by one year but still shorter than you, couldn't seem to understand the urgency of getting back to your shared house and watching the pros shoot hoop after hoop in amazement.

You weren't that similar to the other girls in your class. Though you were very composed and you managed to keep a cool head under pressure, watching sports seem to change all that. It heightened your senses and made you completely engrossed in the game, especially basketball. In fact, it was because of this that Kagami noticed you in the first place. After a friendly match, he, along with his teammate, Kuroko, had heard you talk about their team's strategy and its hard-to-find flaws to your friends. Ironically, you bumped into him, and upon knowing that he was your classmate the both of you became friends. Then he became your housemate, and shenanigans happened.

Now that the backstory's done, let's move on to the present.

It was a Friday night, which meant no school the next morning, which meant more time spent binge-watching matches. You had just finished showering and lunch and you soon plopped onto the couch to start watching a few matches that you had missed the previous nights. Very soon, you felt your eyelids starting to feel heavy, as if they're exhausted from your eyeballs moving to and fro, analysing the players [A/N:you had a knack for that, Just Pretend]. It was due to all those all-nighters. The first couple of days were fine, but you started to feel the effects of sleep-deprivation pretty soon after. Since you were sitting on the couch in a diagonal position, with one leg up and an arm thrown back, you decided, Meh, what the heck. It's just going to be a few minutes. 

~Time skip to a few hours brought to you by Onionsan~

After basketball practice, and a severe meltdown caused by No

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After basketball practice, and a severe meltdown caused by No. 2, Kagami was happily back in his shared household. He opened the door and instantly recognized a moment from a match he watched with you two nights ago. He smiled at the memory, she had been so quiet while he kept cheering on, clearly oblivious to the fact that his kawaii girlfriend had fallen asleep. He announced an "I'm back" and moved to his room, to put down his bags and shower to be able to plop down next to his kawaii [Y/N] and enjoy basketball matches with her.

~Time skip to 20 mins later~

[A/N: I promise the fluff is very soon to arrive]

Kagami gently plopped down on the couch next to you, not disrupting your sleep, and silently began watching the game. He had absolutely no idea that you were sound asleep, the sound of the televised audience like a lullaby to you.

He then felt your lean against his arm and he moved it to cradle you into his personal space. Your head rolled back into his shoulder and your mouth fell open, small snores erupting from your mouth. For a few moments, Kagami wondered where the sound was coming was coming from. He looked from left to right. From front to back.

It was then he realized that the snoring came from his adorable [Y/N].

He was startled for a moment, and then he relaxed and held you even you closer, slowly rocking you like a baby.

Later, you wanted to move to the other side, because your left side was becoming numb and the cushion on the other side would be much colder, you thought. You pulled back your left arm and shifted your shoulders to the right, followed by the rest of your body.

It was then you found that you were in an extremely uncomfortable spot and sleep had gone as quickly as it came. 

Kagami noticed you moving, and moved his hand to allow you free movement. You sat up straight and rubbed your eyes, eyeing the basketball players irritably.

"Oi, (F/N)", he called.

"What?", you grumbled, sleepily.

He looked at you with concern, "Sleepy?"

You nodded. He held his arm out, a clear and warm invitation.

"Come on here."

You shook your head. "I-"

"Hush", he placed a hand over your mouth, silencing you quite childishly but effectively.

"You're tired. I can see that now, and I'm sorry for not noticing, but for now, you need to sleep", he said seriously. "Plus, you need your beauty sleep", he added, smiling with one of his award-winning smiles that you fell for.

You smiled tiredly and entered his loving embrace. With a grunt, he pulled you up and placed you on his lap, facing him.

Your face reddened instinctively, but it vanished quickly after a few seconds. You slung your arms over his shoulders and he slung his over your waist. He pulled your back towards him, and you placed your cheek at the point where his neck and shoulder met. He began patting your back softly. You felt like a little girl, and it reminded you of simpler times. When you and all your classmates could take naps at school and you all would forget about the world for those 30 minutes of your life.

"Sleep, [Y/N]", Kagami whispered soothingly. "I'll wake you up when we need to sleep", he added, knowing how frantic you'd be if you had to wake up within a time limit.

"Good-", you were paused by a yawn. You let it go and tried again but were cut off, yet again, by Kagami's lips. You knew the red-haired ace was rough from several, ahem, past experiences, but you were new to this softer side of him. You realized that he was kissing you like how you'd kiss him when he came back, exhausted, from basketball practice. He was kissing you so softly, until you almost couldn't feel it. The only way your tired mind could tell that you were being kissed was the sweet taste of [Your Fav Pocky Flavor] Pocky that you could taste.

He pulled back and smiled. Then, he closed his eyes and slowly moved his head closer till he touched your nose in a little 'bop' manner. You couldn't help but giggle like a child before smirking at him. You were thinking that he only acted this way because he must have wanted something, but you guessed that, after he saw you so tired, he decided to save it for another night. The baka smirked back, finally understanding what you were thinking.

"Sleep, [Y/N]", he repeated, "Sleep my little koala."

And you went to sleep with a smile on your face.


After the smaller koala bear drifted off in her boyfriend's arms, the bigger koala had started yawning profusely. His eyelids had also begun to droop just like his little koala and he soon flew off to sleep's heavenly abode as the two koala bears slept soundly.


Coming up:

Izuki x Reader (Gonna start with imagines from Seirin!)


Kise x Kasamatsu

Kise x Reader

Midorima x Reader

Sayonara X

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