An Old Chapter - Kiyoshi Teppei x Reader

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[A/N: Warning: Angst imagine

This is actually based on a true life story, my life story, lol.

I thought I could make it into an imagine, a way of expressing my feelings. This happened years back between me and a guy. I was actually kinda hurt but got over it sooner or later.

It isn't exactly  the same story, the events and all that are different, but more or less, this is what happened.

I mean, every girl has had their stupid childhood crush. This was mine.]

f.t. Members of Seirin, Aida Riko and Kise Ryōta

"You didn't!", you gasped.

"Oh yes I did", Kiyoshi said grinning, closing the pen cap.

You laughed and looked over at the teacher's desk. "She's in for a treat"

The teacher walked in, silencing the whole class. She placed her a book on the desk and frowned when she spotted the piece of paper. She picked it up and unfolded it, putting her glasses on in the process. Her eyes widened and she crumpled the paper, tossing it into her handbag.

"Who dares to pull something off like this? Which one of you is it, hm?", she asked angrily.

You and Kiyoshi tried your best to contain your laughter. When no one stepped forward, the teacher got even more furious.

"Fine then, I guess I'll just give you all a test today. It's graded by the way, so I hope that all of you have revised", she said taking a stack of papers.

The class groaned and you only high fived Kiyoshi, feeling like really sneaky ninjas. After class the two of you walked to the cafeteria and met up with the rest of the gang, Kagami, Kuroko, Hyūga, Riko, Izuki, Koganei, Mitobe, Furihata, Tsuchida, Kawahara and Fukuda. You guys ate and chatted happily, joking around here and there. It was great, everything was great. Your life was just spot on right now. Except for one thing that kept bugging you. Kiyoshi. You had the biggest crush on him ever since you met him. The two of you were nothing more than just best friends, but in your eyes, you felt something more. You didn't want to tell him just yet, you didn't want to tell anyone. But you just couldn't keep your thoughts in. You were afraid of being rejected. Kiyoshi was in a class above you and there were many girls in his class which you thought were prettier and smarter. That still didn't stop you from liking him though, you were just too attracted to him.

One day you were sitting with Riko, just hanging out at the library, when she finally popped the question.

"Hey, [F/N]-chan, by any chance, are you in love with Teppei?", she asked.

You choked on your saliva and coughed badly. Riko hurriedly rushed to help you by handing you some water and patting your back.

"W-what?", you asked.

"Oh come on, it's so obvious"

You bit your lip and looked down, "Is it?"

"Well to me, it is, but the rest of the shitheads don't have a clue"

You giggled, "Well, I wasn't planning on telling anyone..."

"It's okay, you can tell me", she said smiling.

You nodded and felt the crush creeping to your cheeks. "Teppei...he's...ugh, I don't even know"

"Maa, maa, it's normal. I used to act the same when we were dating. But it's all over now and I'm glad you're here because the two of you would be great together", she said sincerely.

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