Friendship - Teiko!Aomine x Kuroko

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f.t. Teiko Baksetball Club members

"Oi, Tetsu! You coming for practice?", Aomine yelled as he walked over to Kuroko

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"Oi, Tetsu! You coming for practice?", Aomine yelled as he walked over to Kuroko.

"Hai, Aomine-kun. Let's go"

The both of them entered their school's indoor basketball court and heard the familiar skidding of shoes and voices of people.

"Hey boys, why are you guys late?", the coach asked.

"Ah, sumimasen, me and Tetsu were just finishing our lunch", Aomine said swinging and arm around Kuroko's shoulder.

"Okay then, go start your practice. Hurry on now", the coach ushered and left.

"Aominecchi, Kurokocchi, come on, we're having a practice match!", Kise yelled and Aomine and Kuroko jogged over.

"It's unusual for the two of you to come late for practice. What took you so long?", Akashi asked.

"Uh, we just got caught up with a few things, is all. But gomenasai, for arriving late", Kuroko said.

"Ah, just don't do it again. Shuzo will kill me if you do" Akashi said.

~Time skippuh~

"That was an awesome game! Ne, Tetsu?", Aomine asked.

"Hai, Aomine-kun. It was"

"Mine-chin, next time if you're gonna steal the show might as well tell me, then I don't have to waste my energy and play. I could have eaten a lot of snacks during that time", Murasakibara complained.

"Urusai, baka. All you do is eat. There is no way we'll let you sit out for a game for no reason, nanodayo", said Midorima.

"Enough, have you guys seen Haizaki anywhere?", Nijimura asked.

"Hai, he was heading out with some girl", Kise replied.

"Of course you would know", Aomine said rolling his eyes.

"Aominecchi, so mean ~ssu!", Kise whined.

"So why exactly were you guys late again?", Midorima asked.

"Would you guys leave that topic already? Sheesh", Aomine said.

"We had some work to finish", Kuroko said.

"What work?", Kise asked.


"Tetsu, we gotta go now", Aomine said but his voice was muffled by a pair of lips.

"Stop talking, Aomine-kun"

Aomine groaned but complied anyway.

~End of Flashback~

"Just had to finish some of our homework. Tetsu, helped me", Aomine lied.

"And since when did you do your homework, Daiki?", Akashi asked.

"Yeah, Mine-chin never does his work", Murasakibara said.

"Ne, what did you do to him, Kuroko?", Nijimura asked.

Kuroko kept his poker face on but looked at Aomine slyly.

Trust me, you do not want to know what happened. ;)


Coming up:

Nijimura x Reader

Momoi x Male!Reader

Akashi x Reader

Haizaki x Reader

Sayonara X

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