Camping - Kise Ryōta x Reader

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It was finally spring and you couldn't have been happier. Spring was your favourite season. [A/N: If it's not, it is now! :D Lln, gomen]. You loved it because it was the most colourful, warming and the happiest season there was. You could go out and just catch a whiff of freshness in the air, the scenery would look great wherever you went, and it was like the sun shone perfectly.

You woke up with a smile for the first time in forever, and rushed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once you were done, you went down and prepared pancakes, perfect for a spring morning. Spring break had started and it gave you more of a reason to be happy because hey, there's no school! You ate while checking your phone and you saw that you had received a message from your boyfriend, Kise Ryōta.

To: Me
From: Ryō-chan <3

[F/N]-cchi! Ohayo!! Happy first day of spring break!! I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go camping today? The weather is perfect out and I want to spend time with my [F/N]-cchi~ssu.

You smiled at your boyfriend's use of exclamation marks and the fact that he said
'my [F/N]-cchi'. You stuffed a piece of the pancake in your mouth before typing a reply.

To: Ryō-chan <3

From: Me

Ohayo, Ryō-chan. Happy first day of spring to you too. You're right, the weather is perfect out and I would love to go camping with you. Send me the details x.

As you waited for your reply, the doorbell rang. You stood up and opened the door to see Midorima standing there. You looked at him confused.

"Shintarō-kun? What are you doing here?", you asked.

"I came to give you this, nanodayo", he said and gave you a carved fish in water.

"What is this?", you asked.

"It's the lucky item for [Your Star Sign], nanodayo. You are 3rd today. Kise asked me to give this to you, nanodayo"

"Oh...okay then. Arigatō, Shintarō-kun. Would you like to come in and have tea or something?"

"No thank you, nanodayo. I have business to attend to, nanodayo. Sayonara", he said and walked away. You bid him goodbye and close the door. 'What the hell am I supposed to do with this?', you thought.

You placed the carved fish in water next to a small table that was next to your TV. Then you went back to the dining area to finish your food. You checked your phone and there was a reply from Kise.

To: Me
From: Ryō-chan <3

YAAAAAY!!! Sugoi! I'll come and pick you up at 5~ssu. Dress comfortably and bring a bag of clothes to change, we'llbe staying the night out. I can't wait to see you [F/N]-cchi! I love you xoxo

You smiled and switched off your phone before finishing breakfast. You put your plates in the sink and checked the time. 9 am There was still a lot of time, and so, here is what you did. You picked up your phone and called the emperor, Akashi Seijūrō.

"Moshi moshi, this is the Akashi residence, who may I ask is calling?", he said.

You forgot, you didn't have his phone number, only his house one.

"Moshi moshi. Ohayo, Seijūrō-kun, it's me, [F/N]", you said.

"Ohayo [F/N], why are you calling so early?"

"Ah, that's because spring break just started and I'm really bored so I was wondering if you'd like to come over and play some Shogi maybe?", you asked hopefully.

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