Something Interesting - Aomine Daiki x Reader

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[A/N: An Aomine one after a long time :D  

Got this idea from a book actually, I thought it would be good. The book is called I've got your number by Sophie Kinsella. It's a good book, the ships in it sail and yeah, there are many unexpected turns, so, go ahead and read it!

The story isn't the same as this though because I do not fancy copying like a special someone *ahem*Kise*ahem* ]

f.t. Momoi Satsuki

You were freaking out. Your phone. It was nowhere to be found. You groaned when you didn't find it in your school bag. You had checked it for the tenth time already and everywhere else too. You weren't a phone addict or anything, it's just was your bloody phone. All your contacts, important notes, pictures, documents, files, everything. If your parents found out, they would kill you. You don't remember leaving it anywhere, since you had in in your pocket the whole day. 

Maybe it fell out? No way, my jeans pocket is too tight....

Did I lend it to someone? I don't think so....

Or did someone steal it? Holy shit, did I just get pick pocketed?

All these thoughts went through your head, making you go more or less crazy in the head, until you found your self fake crying into your pillow. You flipped over on your bed and stared at the ceiling. How were you supposed to call anyone now? Oh yeah, you had a landline at home so you could always call someone with that. Wait. A landline. A freaking landline. You wanted to slap yourself for being so stupid. You jumped off the bed and grabbed the house phone, dialling your number. You didn't hear it ringing, which means it wasn't in the house. You sighed, this means you were in even more trouble. You hoped and hoped to hear your ringtone, but that didn't happen, instead, your phone was answered....

~Meanwhile with Aomine~

"Hmm, do we really have to go to the library?", Aomine groaned.

"Dai-chan, I told you, I need to finish up on an assignment and my source of information comes from all the books in the library"

"Who needs books? There's always the internet"

"Oh, what a great idea! Maybe then I can burn your magazines and you can just look at those models online", Momoi said smirking.

"That wasn't my point", Aomine grumbled -_-

"Exactly, so you see why you should shut up?", she asked.

"You're a pain in the ass", he snapped.

"If it wasn't me, then who else would it be, Aomine-kun?", Momoi said as she pushed the doors open to the library.

"I still don't get why you have to drag me along", he mumbled.

"Because god knows what you'll do if I leave you alone. You're more than just a child"


"Shhh! This is a library", the librarian scream whispered.

Aomine rolled his eyes with the usual scowl plastered on his face as he followed Momoi inside. He sat down on one of the chairs, next to a guy who was reading about romance. It was unusual for a guy but hey, no one said guys couldn't read romantic books. Aomine peeked to see what he was reading and almost threw up when he read the first line. He hated lovey dovey shit. He never understood why people would even think about it, more or less read it. He decided to chat up with the guy a bit.

"Hey don't you feel sick reading stuff like that?", Aomine asked.

The boy turned his head, looking offended.

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