Little Treasures - Aomine Daiki x Reader

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[A/N: I don't even know where I got this idea from XD

Requested by Rwby1576az ]

You walked into class and sat at your usual seat at the back. Now you might think that sitting in your seat is a normal thing to do, well you thought wrong. You were sat next to the schools laziest, sleaziest, meanest and the stupidest aho named Aomine Daiki. He was a real shitface. All he did was annoy you in class. Obviously if you exclude the times that he was sleeping on the rooftop and the times where he was sleeping in class too. He would always throw pieces of paper at you, erasers, scissors even, and you thanked god that it didn't stab you in the face. He would whisper stuff like:

"You need to start taking some vitamins or something, your boobs are way too small"

"Stop staring at the teachers ass. She isn't into paedophilia"

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? You look like you've been run over by a bus....not like you don't look like that everyday"

"Hey, what's short, flat-chested and nerdy at the same time. Yup, you guessed it. You!"

"[F/N], gimme the answer for number 3, it's really hard"

....."Hey why aren't you giving me the answer? We're seat mates remember?"

....."God dammit, [F/N], if you don't give me the answer I'll tell everyone that we're dating"

Yeah, you definitely gave him the answer.

Sometimes he was a bitch. He insulted you in many ways possible, and sometimes you would just go home and eat ice cream just to keep yourself from crying. But you knew he didn't mean it. That was just how he was, and no one could change that. Despite hating that tanned freak, you still loved him and cared for him because no matter what he said to hurt you, your heart would always go doki doki whenever he came close. And you hated yourself for that. His best friend Momoi on the other hand, she adored you. Why? Well, for starters you loved basketball. And you're actually pretty badass and smart at the same time. And last but not least, you were a kind and loyal friend. Except when it came to Aomine, then your bitch mode just gets turned on.

Speaking of friends, you were really close with the basketball team, since you used to play with them until you decided to stop and focus on your studies instead. They were all disappointed at first but soon learned to accept it. You were really close with Sakurai, since he was the one that introduced you to basketball in the first place. Yup, you guys were childhood friends. Wakamatsu and Susa are like older brothers to you, always protecting you from whatever harm that may come. Imayoshi is your best guy friend. You and him always plan on how to get Aomine to practice using really good pranks that the two of you came up with. You occasionally helped Momoi with the strategies and paperwork for the team and she couldn't thank you enough for all the extra work that you did for her.

Back to the present, you sat down in your seat and was greeted by a lazy yawn coming out of the aho's mouth. You rolled your eyes at him and opened your book, finishing an assignment. Aomine's eyes focused on you as you were working and a smirk was plastered across his face. His long arm reached over and he poked your shoulder with his index finger, annoying you once again.

"What?", you groaned.

"I need to borrow stationery"

"Where's your own?"

"I don't have my own"

"Then go get some"

"Nah, too lazy"

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