Chapter 1: A Gift

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I was running through the crowded Gotham streets, my backpack banging on my back, searching for the shop I needed. Who knew the Gotham Plaza could ever become so packed but I guess a lot of people will show if there's a free live music concert going on. The music playing wasn't actually that bad. But I can't stop and listen to it, I have to get there now. I already called ahead and pleaded them to please stay open as I needed to pick up his gift and it's the only place in Gotham that sells it. They agreed to stay open but not for much longer.
I ran past some people that were jamming out to the live music and I could see my destination. I could also see the entrance door start to close.  I sprinted towards it. The door closed way before I even had a chance of making it.
I could still see a man through the glass of the door and started frantically knocking on the door.

"I'm sorry we closed." The man called out. His voice sounded old.

"No please! I'm the girl that called before." I shouted.

"The one with the special order?"

"Yes!" I yelled.

The door unlocked and the old man welcomed me in.

"It's only because you seemed like a kind girl on the phone."

"Oh my god thank you so much!" I thanked and entered the shop.

"Your order was being stored out back. I'll go grab it for you." He said and he shuffled out the back door of his shop.

I waited, inspecting all of the little trinkets and weird items that were on sale around the shop. There was a lot of combat gear as in bows and arrows, katanas, throwing stars and a whole bunch of other stuff. It was strange seeing weapons like that and a my little pony set sitting next to them.

"Here you are," the old man said, walking out the back and heading behind the counter holding a wrapped box. "A pair of electro escrima sticks."

I smiled and walked towards the counter.

"Yes. Thankyou." I said, reaching forward to grab the sticks. But he put his hands on them, stopping me.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but these are serious weapons. These sticks you ordered here are custom made. I hope you aren't going to cause any trouble with them." The man warned.

"Oh no sir. They are a gift for a friend and trust me. He'll only use them for good."

The man nodded and let me take them. I payed him and said my thanks before leaving. I put the the boxed sticks into my bag and checked my watch.

6:00 pm.

Oh god. I was gonna be late. I then started sprinting trying to remember where the nearest Zeta beam was.


I quickly double check that my sunglasses are secure on my face before  leaving the zeta tube.
That was a thing he got for me so I didn't need to wear a mask at the cave. They were super tinted so no one could see even a hint of my eyes, protecting my identity.
The training/debriefing room was empty and I walked through it knowing that everyone would be gathered in the lounge, waiting for him to show.
I walked into the lounge and saw the team: Meghan, Superboy, KidFlash, Artemis, Zatanna, Aqualad and Rocket. As well as some other faces: Batman, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam (captain marvel. But Shazam is a way cooler name), and The Flash.

"You're really cutting it close Ocelot." Black Canary said to me as I entered.

"I know. I'm sorry." I apologised.

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