Chapter 40: Don't Leave

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"No!" Dick stood with his arms out wide, blocking me from walking through the door. "I'm not letting you leave."

I stood in front of him, holding a fully packed bag.

"Dick, please"

"You can't leave. Didn't we just promise  each other that we wouldn't fall apart again. That we wouldn't let that happen?"

"That was before I murdered my brother!" I exclaimed, but I knew it was pointless. Nothing I said was going to let Dick let me go.

"Katie. Leaving right now is the worst thing you could possibly do." He stated. "We can help you get through this. You have Bruce, you can see Canary when you need to. We can fix you, like we did before."

"Thats the thing Dick." I said, "You never fixed me. I've never been whole again. Ever since you brought me back to life I've been completely busted."

"No you haven't... Don't say that about yourself. Yes Johns death triggered your nightmares again but that doesn't mean..."

"Johns death didn't trigger my nightmares. They started weeks ago. Me killing him just made them worse."

Robin stared at me, wide eyed. He lowered his spread arms

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you. We all could have helped you."

I broke my eye contact with him, staring down at the floor.

"I know you can help. You've been helping everyday we've been together..."

He then walked over to me and put an arm on my shoulder. Looking me straight in the eyes, I looked away.

"Let me continue to help Katie. Please." He pleaded. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into a hug. "Please just don't leave."

The hug tightened as a tear rolled out of his eye. He dug his head into my neck.

"Please" he said in a half whisper.

I couldn't believe it. He was literally begging me. Pleading so hard that tears are springing from his eyes. He's acting like his life depends on me staying here. It pains me even seeing him cry. Is that how he feels whenever I'm crying?
I put both of my hands on either side of his face. He stared deeply into my green eyes as I did the same to his blue ones.

"Okay" I said and Dicks face immediately lit up. "I'll stay."

I was then dramatically lifted up by the waist.

"What are you doing!" I exclaimed.

"Celebrating!" Dick smiled.

He held me up and started to spin around. I don't understand how but a laugh escaped my mouth. But I guess it made Dick happy because I heard a laugh come out of him as well. I wrapped my legs around his body, and put my arms around his neck. I then kissed him as we spun around together.

"Thankyou" I said to him.

He smiled up at me.

"Oh don't thank me yet Katie. Cause I'm not putting you down."

I then got raised into the air again.


Artemis's POV

"It's got me thinking Artemis." Wally said as he paced around my room.

"Thinking isn't always good with you Wally." I said as I tried to read a book that had to be done for school.

"But like, we could die at anytime. I could super speed into an oncoming truck and be flattened."

"It's definitely not good to think like that Wally."

"You could get shot." He said, pointing at me.

I looked up from the book. "If I die by getting shot by a guy then I deserve it."

"But what if its an entire Mafia that fires at you all at once?"

"I'll escape it."

"No one would escape that. Not even Batman..... Okay maybe he would. But y'know what I'm getting at."

"I do know Wally and its something that a superhero should never ever think about. We are in danger everyday. Its apart of the job."

"But what if we weren't superheroes?" He questioned.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"What if we quit being superheroes?" He said. "We just live a normal life."

"Then my life would be really boring."

"You're not even thinking about what I said."

"No Wally. I'm not thinking about what you said. Mainly because I don't want to predict how I'm going to die!"

"Artemis. This is serious. Johns death has proven that any of us could die at any moment. You could actually kill me, right now! And thats reallyscarybecauseIdon'twanttodieI'myoungandIwanttolivemylifeIwanttoliveitwithyouforeverbecauseIloveyoubutthatcouldallendifoneofusmakesamistake."

I stared wide eyed at him. He always does this when he rants about stuff. I wonder what his public speaking things were like?

"Wally," I said but he kept going. "Wally!" Still didn't stop. "WALLY!" Was he gonna suffocate if he didn't stop?


I was actually getting kind've scared. He usually stops when I yell at him. I then decided on a new approach. I got up and kissed his cheek (I wasn't going for the mouth with how fast he was talking).
He suddenly stopped talking and stared at me.

"Wally, you're here, and I'm here. We are alive. Thats not going to change."

I kissed him on the lips and he joined in. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
I felt something fly up my neck then quickly go over my head. I confusedly opened my eyes, and then narrowed them angrily.

"WALLY!" I shouted, breaking the kiss. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY SHIRT!"

Wally smirked and held it up in his hand. I went to grab it but he sped away to the other side of the room. I knew there was no hope of catching him but I ran at him anyway. He sped away again, and again, and again. Until I finally got picked up and thrown onto the bed. Wally was underneath and he threw my shirt into the floor. He then put his hands on my back and started thumbling with a clip. I quickly brought both my hands onto my bra.

"You take this off you die." I threatened.

"Understood," he quickly said, removing his hands from my back.

We then both moved our heads closer to each other and our lips met.

Lets just say we made out in my bed....
...All night.


Ocelots are cats.

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