Chapter 34: I am Batgirl

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"Do you think they'll get back together?" Zatanna asked me as we walked away from the MedBay.

"I think they were always still together, but they were just going through a rough patch." I answered her. "But yeah, they are probably making out as we speak." I added.

Zatanna smiled and we continued to walk forward. Where were we actually going. We didn't know.

"Thanks for covering me back there by the way. Even though you made it sound like I was an emotional idiot." Zatanna thanked.

"Hey, would you rather have ran out of the room covered in alcohol or ran out having a mental breakdown about John."

"I didn't have a mental breakdown." She frowned.

"Really." I said with raised eyebrows. "Then what would you call running around screaming John's name while crying?"

"Not wanting to let go." Zatanna said darkly.

I looked at her. "Okay. That sounded depressing."

She glared at me.

"Sorry." I guilty smiled.


Barbaras POV

"Okay honey, Something big has come up so you're gonna be alone tonight." My dad said as he put on his coat.

"I'm alone every night." I responded.

"I know. Just keep the door–"

"Locked and don't open it for anyone especially if its a boy." I mimicked crossing my arms.

He just smiled at me and walked out the door.


I ran into my room and picked up a box stored under my bed. I've spent months gathering the materials to put this together and now its finished. I opened the box and pulled out an exact replica of the Bat-suit, except this one was built for moi. I tried the grey suit on and pulled over the cowl.
It fit perfectly.
I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked exactly like Batman. Just no eye whites and a little more feminine. It felt awesome.
Before I even thought about the terrible things that might happen, I opened my window and climbed to the roof. I then ran. Ran across the rooftops. Jumping in between the gaps of the buildings. The cape fluttered behind me and the light wind gently touched my face. This is what it feels like to be Dick or Katie. I feel free. I feel invincible.
I jump across another gap in the buildings, but this time I noticed something down below.
A girl at knife point.
I watched from above. I can do something. I want to be a hero, like my friends. I can pull this off. I've taken self defence lessons and learnt to fight. Besides, the whole reason I've made this suit is so I can join Dick and Katie one day. With luck the thug might mistake me for Batman and run away. I jump down into the alley and am about to do my best Batman speech when something put me off.
The girl that was at knife point, was now crying into a guy's chest. The thug was lying on the ground unconscious. The guy holding the girl looked in my direction.

"Hey," he said to the girl. "Look its Batman, it'll be alright."

The two looked at me. The girl stuttered.

"I-I think tha-thats a girl."

Well I might as well play the part of vigilante. I stepped out if the shadows.

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