Chapter 42: Operation Rescue Jason

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The team had gathered on a hill. Overlooking the abandoned prison, just outside of Gotham. The place was like a massive fort. Goons were standing in guard towers, patrolling the floors and walls. All of them were armed with high powered weapons. This wasn't going to be easy. And Wally was the first the say it.

"This isn't going to be easy." He said.

"Thats why I called you in." Batman stated, surveying the place through his binoculars. Robin was doing the same and Kid Flash decided to join in, pulling down his goggles and activating his infrared.

"Woah, theres a lot more on the inside," Wally said.

"How does the Joker even get this many guns and goons?" Rocket said.

I noticed Zatanna standing back behind the team. I walked towards her.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," she replied.

I stood next to her, looking back at the team.

"Ho–how have you been handling this?" I asked.

I hadn't talked to Zatanna at all about John. I hadn't even seen her. His death would have had a bigger impact on her than it would have me. When I think about it, I realise that I actually didn't know all that much about John. He never actually really told me anything. But Zatanna, she was his lover. The only girlfriend he'd ever had. I'm pretty sure she would've known more about him than me.

"To be honest... Not well" she admitted. "I probably shouldn't even be here. The only reason I am is because its Jason we're saving." She sighed and looked at me. "What about you? How have you been holding up?"

"Well I locked myself in my room for four days."

Zatanna smiled. "Sounds about the same." Her smile quickly faded. "I just wish I didn't stop losing everyone I care about. I mean, first I lost my dad to Fate. Now I've lost John to..."

"...Me," I interjected.

She looked at me and shook her head.

"No. Not you. We were all trying to kill him. I lost him to the psychopath clown." She frowned. "I'm scared of what I might do if I see him Katie. After what he did to us. What he made us do. I feel like I'm going to kill him."

I nodded. "I know Zatanna. I know. I feel like doing the exact same thing."

"I Found Jason!" I heard Robin exclaim. Zatanna and I quickly rushed back up to the team.

"Where?" Batman asked.

"He's shimmying on the edge of the North-wing." Robin informed. "....He's just slipped inside the building through a window."

"Okay. We have to move." Batman stated. "Here's how this is going to go. Superboy, Aqualad and Kidflash, you are to clear out the outside ground troops around the area. Artemis and Zatanna, you're in charge of taking out the men in the towers and the rooftops. Mrs. Martian, I want you to go into camouflage and search the South-wing for Jason. Robin and Ocelot, you two are to search the North-wing. Rocket, you will provide cover for them until they are inside. You will then join the others in taking down the outside troops. I will search the West-wing. If we don't find him we'll all converge onto the East-wing. Understood."

Everyone nodded.

"Okay. Move out."


It got hectic pretty quickly. Guns were firing and voices were yelling. All around there were things happening. A speeding yellow blur would run past and take out a few goons. But more would immediately take their place. Robin and I were fired at several times as we ran to the North-wing. If it wasn't for Rockets shield we would be dead a million times over. Rocket was flying overhead of us, concentrating to keep our shield up. To my left I saw a bunch of goons get washed away by water that seemed to have a mind of its own. To my right I saw Superboy punching someone straight through a wall. It looks so ferocious that I was surprised when the guy got back up and started shooting again.
We made it too the North-wing and decided to enter the same way that Jason did. So we climbed up the side of the wall and then shimmied our way towards an opened window. We jumped through and saw that we had entered into a hallway that was littered with bodies.
Jason certainly knew how to fight.
Robin knelt down beside one of the men on the floor, feeling his neck for a pulse. He then stood back up.

"Well, at least we know he's not killing."

"Jason wouldn't kill...... Would he?"

Now that I think about it. He was trained by my brother.

We looked at the bodies on the floor. They all lead directly to a door.

"At least it'll be easier to find him." Robin stated. "Just gotta follow the path of bodies."

We entered into another room. It showed the exact same scene as the room we'd just left. It was littered with bodies. There had been a lot more thugs in this room than there had been in the last. Even Robin was shocked.

"How?" He said, stunned at the number of unconscious thugs that were lying on the ground. "The kid isn't even ten."

I shrugged. Not even I had any idea how Jason was taking down so many people. What did John teach this kid?

We continued to follow the bodies of unconscious goons. We went through so many rooms. Passing so many bodies. We came upon yet another door. Robin had his holo-glove out. Looking at the blueprints of the building.

"According to the map this door leads to a dead end. So that...."

He stopped suddenly. I was wondering why until I heard it as well. It was the sound of flesh beating other flesh. There were grunts and a yell. I looked at Robin as he reached for the door handle and pulled open the door. We saw a thug falling to the ground. Knocked unconscious by a......
I gasped as my eyes widened. I saw Robin quickly turn and look at me.
I couldn't believe it.
It was a man....

A man in a skull mask.

Ocelots are Cats.

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