Chapter 39: A House of Heroes

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Alfred walked into the room and saw us together. He told us breakfast was ready but I didn't want to go. Instead I tucked myself deeper into Dicks chest (as if it was possible for me to get any deeper). I had run out of tears and the ones that had fallen had either been soaked into Dicks shirt or had dried on my face. I thought Dick would have wanted to get up to go get breakfast but instead he stayed with me. I have no idea how long we had both just been laying there. When I woke up it was pitch black outside, but now the light was trying to pierce through the closed curtains.
I felt Dick move underneath me and looked at him to see him looking down at me. He swiped his finger across my cheek to try and get rid of one of the dried up tears. I knew it wouldn't disappear and it didn't. Dick frowned and rested a hand in my hand. He then started to get up. Worry hit my mind.

"Where are you going?!" I said quickly and nervously. "What are you doing? Don't leave..."

He stopped moving and gave me a smile. Moving back in closer to me.

"I'm not going anywhere without you." He said and held onto my hand tighter for reassurance. "Now come one," he said gently.

He got up and signalled for me to do the same. But I didn't move. I didn't want to go anywhere.

"Can't we just stay here?" I whined.

Dick was about to reply to my whining when he must've realised that it was just gonna make me whine even more. So instead he leaned forward and shoved his arms underneath my body. He suddenly lifted me up and carried me to the bathroom. I thought about complaining but didn't have the energy to. He stood me up in front of the sink and mirror. My face was a mess, so was my hair. The died tear stains weren't just on my cheek, they were everywhere. And I literally mean, everywhere. Dick grabbed a face washer and put it under hot water. When it was soaked he squeezed some of the water out of it and turned to me.

"Close your eyes," he ordered.

I did as I was asked and felt the face washer move along my cheeks. It then moved on to my eyelids and to the corners of my eyes. I felt him try to dig out the rock things that had formed in my eyes. I don't understand how he was cleaning my face so well. He was cleaning it rough but it didn't feel rough, like how a parent does it to their child..... Oh my god I'm a child.
I felt the towel leave my face, but before I could open my eyes I felt lips peck me on my forehead. I opened just as Dick was moving back from me.

"Perfect," he said.

In the mirror I could see that he had successfully removed all the stains left by the dried tears. Just removing them made me look a hundred times better.

"Now you're ready for breakfast," Dick said with a smile.

My eyes widened and I stared fearfully at him. Shaking my head.

"No no no. I'm fine. I-I don't need breakfast."

The smile faded off his face.

"C'mon Katie." He pleaded but I shook my head. "I don't want you to get into the habit of locking yourself in this room. It's not healthy."

"I-I know its not healthy. None of what I've been doing is healthy. But-but I can't move on..." I explained. "...Dick, I just killed my brother... My brother...."

"It wasn't you. You had no..."

"It was my body. It was my kill. And I have to live with that. John was the last living member of my screwed up family and I killed him. I-I can't go out there. I can't join them at a breakfast table knowing I'm a killer. A killer on a table of heroes."

Dick stood there, wide eyed. I'm so sure that speech I just gave was the last thing he expected. He nodded at me and moved past me back into my room.

The Heroes and The Villains (sequel to The hero and the villain)Where stories live. Discover now