Chapter 36: I Need To Vomit

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"C'mon Dick, you can't look that bad," I stated, standing at the closed bathroom door.

"There's a reason I stopped wearing these." He called out. "One, I hit puberty. And two, they're so... Weird."

"You used to run around the city in them. Surely you can step out of a bathroom."

"I was nine! I thought this was cool!"


Bam! I said his first name.

"Open this door right now!"

There was silence until I heard a lock click and the handle turn.

I cant say I didn't laugh. Cause I did. I laughed hard.
He appeared in the doorway in a basic red Robin shirt with a yellow cape, a green mask, green pixie boots and the greatest part... Green underwear.
Dicks face turned the colour of his shirt and I could see him slowly start to sink back into the bathroom. I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me before he could sink any further. I sat my arms on his shoulders.

"I told you I'd look stupid." He stated.

"In all honesty. You look cute, I wish I knew you when you ran around in these."

"No you don't. I was an idiot back then."

"Nothing's changed." I said before putting our lips together.

"A bit has changed. I met you. You changed me." He said.

"If anything, you changed me. Turned me into a do-gooder."

"You were always a do-gooder. I just helped you see it."

"Sure... But we're moving away from topic here." I stepped back and looked down, then back up. "The topic that you are ADORABLE in this getup. You should consider crimefighting in these underwear again."

"How will me wearing this bring fear into the hearts of criminals?"

"You might scare them if you are as horny as you are right now." I stated. (What the hell did I just say?)

His faced fell and he quickly looked down, then immediately pushed me away and scampered back into the bathroom. Slamming the door.
I couldn't help but laugh.

"You have no idea how embarrassing this is." He said.

"C'mon... Its not like I don't know what it is." I said.

"That makes it worse!"

I shook my head with a smile, "You better not be taking that costume off."

No response.


There was then the sound of something hitting something hard and then the small "oww".
He hadn't locked the bathroom so I opened the door to find him on the ground, without a shirt, and pants that looked like he had only just got them on before he fell.

"This is kinda sad." I stated, standing at the door.

"There was water on the floor." He defended as he tried to get up.

I walked over and offered him a hand. He grabbed it and I started to pull him up. But just as he'd said. There was water on the floor. I ended up slipping forward and landed on him. My head was cushioned by his chest. I lifted my head up and looked at his face.

"Oww" he said and I hit him.

"I'm not that heavy." I frowned.

He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

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