Chapter 35: Battle in da Batcave

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We stayed together. Dick and I. We did what we used to do. Watch a movie, lie together and just be there, the two of us. I hadn't even noticed that he had fallen asleep until I looked up at him. His eyes gently closed, a small smile visible on his lips. I wonder what he's thinking about? His arms were still wrapped around me snugly and kept me in place. I wasn't gonna be able to break out of them. Not that I wanted to. Every time he breathed his chest would rise and fall taking my entire body up and down with it. It felt comforting. Like it was protecting the boomerang wounds on my back.
I've missed this. This feeling of warmth and comfort that I can only get from him. The feeling of protection. It felt perfect and I never want it to end.

Jason walked in the room.

"What are ya watchin?"


Dicks defence activated and his eyes shot open and his body sat up. Ruining the perfect hold he had on me. He frantically looked at the source of the noise and calmed down when he saw it was Jason.

"What?" He said, thinking he'd missed something.

"What are you watching?" Jason repeated.

"Maze Runner." I answered him.

Jason's face immediately scrunched up in disgust.

"Pass." He scoffed, still disgusted. "Anyway, Bat–Bruce wants to see you in the Batcave." He said. "I still can't believe that Bruce Wayne, big rich ass, is Batman. It makes zero sense to me."

"Then the disguise works." Dick said, standing up and stretching. "What does he want?"

Jason shrugged. "I don't know. He just wanted to see you two."

I don't fully understand what it was. But I saw something in the young boy as he said this. Excitement, anticipation maybe. I narrowed my eye at him. But he didn't show anything in return.
Dick and I went down to the Batcave. Batman wasn't in front of the computer like he usually is, nor was he at the vehicles or the trophy room or the med bay. We couldn't find him anywhere. We stood back in front of the giant screen. We were both stumped.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"No idea."

The Batcomputer turned off, all the lights went off. The Batcave was completely dark except for the rare spaces that natural light entered the cavern.
The only sound I heard was Dicks "Oh no" and he I quickly felt his hand touch a part of my body and then fall to grasp my hand.

"Stay close," he said.

"Whats going on?" I asked.

"Just stay close and listen for anything."

My eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness yet so the cave was still in completely black.
I felt Dick spin around beside me, he'd obviously heard something that I hadn't. I tried hard to listen to anything that would signify movement. Tried to block out all the drips of water and the occasional screech of a bat. Until I heard it. A soft clang of metal as if someone was climbing.
My eyes had adjusted just a little bit so I could see a few metres in front of me. I could see Dick standing next to me. I then saw him fall to the ground. Something had kicked him... from above? I then heard a something fly straight past my head. Scared that it was a Boomerang, I ducked again but it didn't come back. Dick had gotten back up, only to be knocked down again by some invisible force. Another flying object came at me and I managed to dodge it. I got Dick up on his feet so he was ready for another attack. But nothing else came. I looked at Dick.

"Come on." He said as he pulled on my hand.

I followed and he ended up taking me to the change rooms so we could access our gear. It was still dark and I tried to figure out where my suit was. There was no need to suit up. I just had to get to my belt or a weapon. I found the familiar feel of my belt and grabbed it just as a light at the doorway flicked on. Standing there was... Robin? He looked like he was wearing an older suit. And he was wearing nothing but green underwear?
Confused I looked over at Dick, then back at the Robin. Then back at Dick.

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