Chapter 33: Together

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Katie's POV

Why do I always get injured during missions. For once I'd just like one where I don't get blown up, or fear gassed, or beaten, or killed, or stabbed by boomerangs.
I had two bandages on my back. They had pulled the boomerangs out of my back and patched me up. I may have been semi-conscious the entire time but I kinda wish I was dead instead of feeling that pain.

I now sat up in the Medbay bed. I wasn't the only one that had been injured. Superboy had taken a shot of Captain Colds freeze gun and had been completely encased in ice. He now sits in a bed with a severe cold.
Artemis and Zatanna sat by my bed. Artemis had her hand in a bandage and needed stitches. She made the mistake of punching one of Mirror Masters lookalikes and ended up with shards in her hand.
Zatanna was lucky and had gotten off scratch free.

"Zatanna." I said. "I never found out what happened to you at the party. You just kind've disappeared."

Zatanna went red. Really red.

"Umm. I just-I uhh."

"She ended up spilling alcohol all over her clothes and ran off in tears." Artemis stated.

"It wasn't like that?"

"It was pretty close." Artemis said.

"I'm an emotional drinker." Zatanna defended.

I looked between the two.

"I'm sorry I asked."

I heard the doors of the Medbay open and Dick walked in, wearing his shades.
I instantly felt my breathing intensify as he walked towards my bed.

"Uhh. Hey," he said, staring at me.

"Hey." I said back. My eyes looking at his shades.

"I just came to see how you were doing."

I nodded. "I'm alright."

Artemis and Zatanna both looked at me, to Dick, to me again. They then stood up.

"We'll just give you two... Yeah bye." Artemis said as they walked out.

He continued to just stand at the end of my bed. And we both continued to stare. There was just a silence between us. I've let our relationship become awkward.

"Thanks," I stated, breaking the silence.

"For what?" He asked.

"For saving me back at the fight."

I could see his face change as he quickly looked away from me. It was a face of frustration, guilt and anger. He looked back at me.

"I didn't save you." He said. "You still got badly injured."

"It would've been worse if you didn't take Boomerang."

"Katie if it was a fraction closer to your spine it could've paralysed you. I didn't save you." He argued,

He scratched his arm and I noticed a the bandage on his hand.

"What happened to your hand?" I asked.

He looked at the bandage and more guilt fell on his face.

"I-I sprained it during the fight with Boomerang."

I then remembered what he was doing to Boomerang when I walked up to him. Boomerangs face was a mess, bleeding and broken. It wasn't really a fight.

I looked back at his black sunglasses and he looked at me. Another silence fell between us.

I sighed. "What happened between us?"

"I was an asshole." Dick answered.

"I haven't been much better." I stated.

"You did nothing." Dick said, moving to the side of the bed. "What I said... In no form whatsoever was that okay. I hurt you Katie. I... I'm sorry."

He's sorry. After what I've done. I have to tell him. Before I knew it the words had already spilled out of my mouth.

"I got drunk and made out with a random guy." I said suddenly.

I could tell he wasn't expecting me to say something like that. His mouth gaped open a bit and he sat silent for a few seconds.

"Wow... Thats... Um..."

He couldn't muster any words and I couldn't blame him.

"I know you probably hate me now. And I-I I'm just sorry. I have no excuse for..."

"I love you."

My eyes widened and I immediately stopped talking. My mind was just trying to fully process what he said.


I looked at him and immediately smiled.

"You-you still want to be with me?" I stuttered.

He nodded. "Katie, I don't care if you kissed a guy. I don't care if you strangled me when I was unconscious."

Crap. Batman told him about that.

"I just want you back. I just want to be with you again. I don't want to lose you. I love you."

I smiled.

He smiled.

I jumped up and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist. And I kissed his cheek. Then his lips.

"I love you too."

"So we're back?" He asked.

My smile got wider and I smushed his cheeks into mine.

"Yes we're back. And we're never falling apart again."

"Deal" Dick agreed, giving me one last huge kiss on the cheek.

Oh god. This chapter is shorter again. Is something happening to me? Am I losing the ability to write bigger chapters?

Nah. I'm fine (I think)

Ocelots are cats.

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