Chapter 45: Beat the Clown to a Pulp

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Robin and I sprinted after Jason. We could see him ahead of us. I thought because my legs were longer I would catch up to him. But the kid was fast, really fast. We saw him slam a door closed. It lead into the Jokers office. Jason was probably already dead, or worse, he had already killed the Joker.... I'm not actually sure why that would be worse.
We made it to the door. It was locked so that just made it so much better. Robin started ramming the door with his body, trying to get it to break. I joined in and started kicking it. After one powerful kick from be and a powerful ram from Robin the door flew open and fell off the hinges.
Inside we found the Joker on the floor, Jason overtop of him with a sharp batarang at the clowns throat. Robin immediately jumped forward and tackled Jason.

"No!" The boy shouted. "I have to do it for John!"

Robin didn't say anything, he just kept the boy held down on the ground.
I stood over the Joker as he sat up on the floor. He adjusted his big top hat and put on a smile, obviously enjoying the show.

"John? Did I ever kill a man named John?" He stated. "Lets see, there was bob, frank, Harley... Wait no, I killed her in a dream."

The Joker smirked up at me. He then out stretched his hand.

"Mind helping and old man onto his feet?"

I could clearly see the electric buzzer on his hand that could fry me instantly. Like it made a difference, I wasn't going to ever help this maniac. Not after everything he put us through. The angry monsters attacking Gotham. The warehouse filled with fear gas. And the worst one, taking control of my body, and murdering my brother.
I was never going to help this man onto his feet. In fact, I'm surprised I haven't tried to kill him like Jason had.
I glared down at the clown man holding his hand out to me. I raised my leg and kicked him hard in the face. He fell onto his back and quickly rolled to his side, blood began pouring out of his nose. I had broken it but I really didn't care. The psycho deserves more.
Even with his nose broken the clown smiled up at me.

"Kids these days. No respect for the elderly. Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners?"

I kicked him again. This time swinging into his chest. He didn't howl in pain, instead he just laughed.

"Are you telling me you managed to kill your brother by doing sissy kicks like that?"

I heard Jasons voice growl in the distance.

"Just kill him Ocelot!"

"Shut up!" Robin yelled at him. He then looked over at me and his eyes widened as he saw me.

My face was furious. The same type of furious that is capable of anything...

I started beating the clown with my foot. Slamming it firmly into his face, his chest, his stomach, even his crotch. I probably broke his ribs or some other bones, but the clown still didn't care. He just laid there and took the beating with a smile.

"Ahhh." He howled. "I think you kicked a nerve... Or did I kick one in you?"

I kicked him in the mouth to shut him up.
I hadn't realised that my vision in my mask had gone blurry due to the tears building up in them.
I continued to kick until I felt Robin put his hands on my shoulders. I looked at him angry, but then my expression softened. He didn't say anything, he just pulled me into his arms. And thats all I needed.

"Awww. Isn't that just cute," the Joker grinned while on the floor, but he no longer had teeth so it was just gums. His smile quickly faded. "But its not what I want!"

Joker reached forward at Robin, his electric buzzer on his hand. He grabbed hold of Robins boot... But the boot was insulated and the electricity didn't go through. Robin simply kicked the hand off and then slammed his foot into the clowns face like I had done.
I honestly have no idea how the clown was conscious at this point. 
The Joker looked at us both with a angry frown.

"Alright. Its time for good old plan K"

He pulled a device out of his purple jacket.

"Bye bye kiddies!" He laughed, pressing the button.

We quickly bolted towards the window and looked out. We expected to see the horrible view of children falling from their cages.
But instead they were laughing as our superhero friends lowered them to safety.
Thank god for superhero friends.

The Joker (somehow still able to move) got up and ran but was stopped by JayRob, who'd jumped onto his back and continued punching him until he finally fell unconscious.
He then got off the clown, no longer having the urge to kill the guy.

Batman suddenly appeared in the room. Jason slowly backed into the corner as the Dark Knight just Bat-glared at him. Batman continued to walk up to Robin and me.

"You two did well." He told us. "Capturing Joker and Harley Quinn, saving the children and finding Jason."

"And none of us got seriously injured and/or killed" Robin added. "This has got to be the most successful mission ever!" He celebrated.

"You also found some... Interesting new recruits." Batman said.

We both looked out the window at Barbara and Lindsay. Or Batgirl and....
Just thinking that Johns name was already going to be replaced made me shiver. Batman noticed.

"Are you okay with him wearing that costume Ocelot?"

I looked up at Batman, then back out to Lindsay.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. It's... It's just gonna take some getting used to." I said.

"We can get him to change his costume." Robin said.

I thought about that for a moment.

"Nah. If he's wearing it, at least I know I'll never forget John. His costume will remind me of him... Which is good... I think?"

Robin put his hand on my shoulder.

"You're saying that Lindsay will be carrying on Johns legacy."

"Yeah." I nodded. "We'll go with that."

That isn't what I was thinking at all but it sounds way better than what I said.

"Alright" Batman turned. "Police will be here in about two minutes. Keep Joker contained until then. In the meantime..." He walked over to Jason. "I need to have a word with my new ward."

He then grabbed JayRob by his cape and dragged him out of the room. Robin and I just laughed.
The Joker was still unconscious on the floor, Jason was safe, the children were safe.
We'd done it. We'd won.

And nothing went wrong...

Ocelots are Cats.

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