Chapter 4: Anger

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"C'mon. What did he tell you?" Dick asked. He's been harassing me to tell him about John and mines conversation since I went back to the cafeteria. To be honest, I don't know why I haven't told him. It just feels like a family matter to me.
But Dick is your family.

"Please kat. You gotta tell me." He said. "We can't keep secrets from each other."

"No. You'll take the conversation in the wrong way and will think he's a criminal."

"There's nothing wrong with being suspicious of someone." Dick stated.

"Yes there is. It can blind you from who the real bad guy is. And I'm telling you it's not John!"

Isn't it. He didn't want to tell you where he went or what he did.

That is because he promised not to tell. He only did a favour for an old friend.

He was gone for ages and the only old friend he'd have would be an assassin. Just be honest with yourself Katie. He's up to something.

No he's not. Why am I even arguing with myself. Am I going crazy!

"Fine! You not telling me gives me a reason to suspect you of something as well." Dick frowned jokingly.

I heard a phone message go off and Dick checked his. He then replied it and received another message. He then looked at me and replied again. He received another one and then put the phone down.

Him getting into his phone while we were talking annoyed me. But I continued our convo from where we left off.

"Suspect me of what? Protecting the last remnants of my family. Is trying to keep someone safe from you and the big bad bat a crime now!" I yelled.

"Wait Katie." Dick tried to explain. But I didn't let him.

"I just want to keep my brother from having to fight you. Cause we both know that you'll lose. Yes he's a stupid idiot for leaving without telling me. But he's not a bad guy and I'm not going to let you touch him!" I got up off the couch we were on. "If you want to arrest me for that then screw you!"

I started to walk off but felt something on my wrist. I looked back and saw Dick hanging onto me. I tried to break out of it but couldn't. I kept struggling and he decided to whip me forward. I fell onto the couch, onto him.
He then wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

"Calm down Katie. Calm down. It's alright. I don't think he's a criminal. He's your family. He's our family." Dicks words were soothing and it made me press my head against his chest, against the warmth of his body.

"That's it Katie. Just stay here with me." He comforted.

Wait. Why does he want me to calm down so much. What the heck is he doing.
That's when I saw Bruce show up in front of me with a spray canister. He sprayed the contents on me and before I could say anything my vision went black and I fell unconscious.


Dicks POV

Katie sat unconscious on a bed in the batcave. Bruce and I had connected cords and a heart rate monitor to her. I still don't fully understand what Bruce was doing and I'm thinking he's finally lost it.
As I was talking to Katie upstairs he texted me and asked if Katie and I had eaten any of the schools food today. I hadn't and Katie had. He then told me to keep her calm and don't let her get angry and that he'd be up in a minute. I had no idea what was going on and Katie was pissed. So I took Bruce's advice and calmed her down. That's when he came and chloroformed her.
I asked what the heck he was doing but he just told me to get her to the Batcave and that he'll explain later.
He still hasn't explained.
Bruce walked in with a needle and I immediately quizzed him about what the hell was happening.

"Mind telling me why you knocked out my girlfriend and told me to put her on a bed in the Batcave?"
That sounded way worse out loud.

Bruce didn't look at me as he answered.

"I'm going to run a few tests on her for an antidote." He said.

"An antidote?" I said confused. "An antidote for what?"

Bruce stood over Katie's unconscious body and jabbed the needle into her skin. He then extracted some of her blood.

"For whatever poison was in your cafeteria food today." He answered, taking the needle and its contents over to a computer.

"You're trying to cure basic food poisoning now?" I asked.

"No. It's a little more than basic." He told as he did some medical technical stuff at the computer. "Whoever ate the food at Gotham Academy today has been infected with a virus that makes you angry, easily worked up. Problem is that if you get too angry the virus will start working like Banes venom. It makes the person stronger and more powerful, really angry strong powerful banes." Bruce explained.

"How do you know all this?" I asked.

"You would know to if you turned on the news. These angry teenagers are terrorising the city." He answered.

"Oh." I said simply. "So you're using Katie as your tester. To find a way to work out a cure."

Bruce nodded. "Get the team together. The police probably can't handle the mayhem alone."

I nodded and contacted Mount Justice. Meghan answered.

"Robin hi." She said in her friendly voice.

"Meghan. Who's at the cave right now?" I asked.

"Uhh. Just Zatanna, Wally, Superboy and I." She answered.

"That'll do. Come to Gotham. We need your help."

"Oh. Yeah. Sure. What's the problem?" She asked.

"Angry teenagers are attacking the city." I said. It wasn't until I saw Meghan's face that I realised how stupid that sounded. "Just get here." I said and hanged up.

I walked back to Bruce.

"Should I get changed and get out there?" I asked.

Bruce nodded. "Yeah. Round them up and wait. Keep them in control until I have the antidote."

I looked at the unconscious Katie that laid on the bed.

"Uhh. You aren't going to accidentally kill her with the antidote right?"

Bruce turned and looked at me as if to say "really" in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah. I'll leave you to it. Bye Katie" but of course I got zero response from her.

I ran to the change rooms and got changed into my Robin gear and then jumped on my bike and rode into the city.

Poison. Angry Teenage Mutant Students. Gotham Under Attack.
I have no idea where to go from here

Ocelots are cats

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