Chapter 32: Flash Rouges

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'Is everyone ready?' Aqualad asked over the mind-link.

'Ready' literally everyone but me answered.

I have no idea what the mission even is. I didn't pay attention during the briefing. And I didn't pay attention while we were going through the plan.
Damn you Robin!

'Ocelot. Um...We can hear you.' Meghan said.

'Crap. Mind-link, no thoughts are safe.'

'We heard that too.' Wally said.

I realised what I had said before and quickly looked over at Robin. He was looking back at me. Others wouldn't be able to see any trace of emotion on his face. But I can.
He wants me back... Desperately.
I want him back too. So why don't I just go. It feels like theres puppeteer strings on me. Just not allowing me to go and talk to him.

'We seeing as you don't know the mission Ocelot. We'll have to explain again and you will HAVE to listen.' Aqualad looked at me.

Behind me I heard a sigh of relief and turned to see KidFlash looking relived.

'Hey guys. I have a question?'

Everyone looked over at Zatanna.

'Why are we using the mind-link if we're all together in the bio-ship?"

Everyones faces turned to one another. Then they looked at Meghan.

'I guess it's just become habit to switch it on." She said out loud.

Everyone then looked at each other again. No one said anything.

"This got awkward." Artemis stated and everyone nodded their agreement.

"Right, quick re-run of the mission." Aqualad said. "Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard and Captain Boomerang. Have taken multiple people hostage in their last big bank heist. We are here to rescue the hostages while the Flash takes care of the Rouges. We just have to wait for his signal."

"Whats the signal?" I asked.

"That is." Superboy said, pointing out the window.

The building we were supposed to raid had a red circle on top of it. It took me a moment to realise that the circle was the Flash running around and around.

"Alright everyone. Move out." Aqualad ordered. "Meghan, now would be the right time for the mind-link."

'Its up' she said.

Everyone jumped out of the ship and went straight for the building. We were meant to do this stealthily as the Flash distracted the Rouges. We silently entered the building and made our way over to the cells where the hostages were at.

We were each assigned a cell and worked on breaking them. They were electronically locked. Superboy just punched his. Robin hacked it. Aqualad cut it with water swords. Artemis blew it up. Wally got Robin to open his. I don't even understand what Zatanna did. And Meghan just put her hand through it and it exploded.
I simply put my EMP on it and it shut off. The doors opened.

"C'mon. We're gonna get you out of here." I said to the hostages. They just turned their heads and looked at me.

I walked deeper into the cell.

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