Chapter 25: Ninjas vs John Pt 1

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John's POV

This apartment is really boring without Jay around, and its only been a day. What did the kid do while I was gone. There is nothing to do.
I get up out if the lounge chair and walk to the kitchen. I'm not hungry. I'm just bored. Its what happens when you are waiting for assassins to come and kill you. Its actually taking them longer than I expected.
I open the mini-fridge and search through it. Theres nothing in there. I am poor. I close the fridge, as I do I see movement in the darkness outside the window.
They're here.

I'm already fully dressed in my gear. Like I said, I've been waiting for them.
They probably have the entire building surrounded. People on the roof, the other buildings, the stairwell and the floor below.
I walk back towards the lounge chairs and just stood there. I've already thought this out.
Common assassin tactics would be to attack through the window first. But they know they are dealing with me. So they will probably enter through every entrance so they can overwhelm me.
Sure enough theres a smash from the window and the door comes off its hinges. They all quickly surround me their swords ready. I unsheathe my sword and get into a combat pose. Both sides are standing, waiting for someone to make the first move.
One of them charges at me. My sword meets his and we dance. Metal scraping against metal. Behind me I see one of them come up to get me from behind. I quickly spin and slit his throat. Then turn back to the other guy, taking out his legs and then slamming my sword into his chest.
They came here thinking that I didn't kill anymore. I bet those two deaths have surprised the rest of them.
About six come at me at once, swords ready. As they do I throw two ninja star either side of me. They hit two guys that were just standing in a crowd.
The two men exploded taking out several people with them. The six that came at me stopped when I put another star into one of their chests.
All six were gone.
Am I being brutal? Absolutely. I need to be or I won't live through this.

This time I charge at several ninjas. Slicing and cutting them where I can. A few of them get several hits on me. It hurts. It really does. But I shrug it off. I manage to kill a few of them, but I can't keep up. Theres too many. They end up piling onto me. My body slams onto the ground.
And thats when I see him. He jumps through the window, a police baton in his hand. He immediately takes out the leg of one of the ninjas and smacks him over head with the stick.
Seeing him gives me the energy to shove all of the assassins off of me.

"Jason!" I yell, getting back up.

What the hell is he doing here? He's meant to be safe at the mountain with the team.
He looked at me and smiled. Slapping another ninja in the face with the baton. I trained him well.

"Did you really think I'd let you die alone." He said.

That was the plan.

"So you came here by yourself to die with me?" I asked him while still fighting off the assassins.

"I didn't come by myself." He smiled.

"nurT sdrows otni star."

My sword suddenly transformed into a toy rat. The assassins were as stunned as I was that they were all now holding toy rats.
Zatanna entered through the window.

"Don't worry John. We got your back." She stated.

A smile came to my face. She always brings a smile to my face.

"Y'know, I really liked my sword." I said to her.

She put on a guilty face and shrugged. It made me laugh.
My laugh quickly disappeared as an assassin punched me in the face and I fell back.
Right, we are still fighting. Forgot about that.

I immediately punch the guy back and knock him to the ground. Seeing as Zatanna has ridden me of my weapon I'll have to use my fists... And my stars... And all the other gadgets I have hidden in my suit.
An assassin jumps at me, but is suddenly jolted to the side. An arrow is now sticking out of his shoulder and he's squirming on the ground.
A few of the assassin around me get arrows fired into their body as well. So even Artemis has my back.
I then see the orange of my sisters Ocelot suit beside me.

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