Chapter 15: Dammit John

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Katie's POV

"So... I understand if you don't want to tell me but, what was your vision about?" Robin asked as we sat on the couch, his arms fully wrapped around mine.

I angled my head up so I could see his face.

"Ummm." I delayed.

He only asked about the fear trip. I don't have a to say anything about me having the dreams. But... Should I tell him I've been having them.

"...I saw the fire." I started. "And you guys. And my parents. I think you understand what was going on." I said to him.

He nodded. "Have you been sleeping alright?"

Oh god. Does he already know? Did Black Canary tell him? No. She wouldn't have.

I nodded at his question, knowing that I probably only got like two hours of sleep last night.

Dick nodded back, looking up at the TV that showed nothing but a news report.

"Okay." He said. "You good to come on patrol tonight?" He asked, looking back down at me.

"Yeah. Of course. Why?"

"No reason." He said quickly.

He started to get up, carrying me as he went. He sat me back down on the couch.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I've gotta thing with Wally. Won't take long." He said and he started to walk out of the room.

"Can I come?"

He stopped at the doorway and turned around.

"Mmm. I don't think you'd want to. Guy stuff you know."

"I didn't think guys did girl stuff" I smirked.

"I said GUY stuff." Dick replied. "But its Wally so I'm pretty sure girls will be involved."

"No, he'd be to afraid of Artemis." I laughed.

Dick laughed as well. "Well. You're not wrong. I'll see ya soon." He said before leaving.

I sat there in silence for a few seconds watching the news.
A biker gang is making sandwiches for children who aren't able bring their own lunch to school.
That just proves that not all gangs should be depicted as bad. Sadly there's too many that are.

I turned the TV off and decided to go up to my room.
As I opened my door my skeleton jumped out of my skin.

John was just standing next to my bedroom window and had scared the heck outta me.

"Hey sis," he greeted.

"John!" I exclaimed. "How the heck did you get in here."

He pointed beside him. "Window." He answered. "You really should keep it locked... Say, how do you mange to get out of here as Ocelot without Dick knowing. I mean, those dogs are loud, and look vicious. And the barb wire on the fences. Jesus that stuff is annoying."

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