Chapter 22: The Truth Is Told

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Katie's POV

"Its your fault you know." I said to Dicks unconscious body. "If you hadn't of wanted to bring in my brother so badly this wouldn't of happened. You wouldn't be in a coma. John wouldn't be a wanted criminal. And we could've been upstairs watching a movie together. Could've been fun. But no... You just had to play hero. You didn't even have any evidence against him. Yet you were just convinced that he was a bad guy. And now everyone else believes it too. All because of you." I said bitterly.

I can't say I was angry. Because I was furious. I continued talking to the boy.

"You know he saved your life when that warehouse exploded. He could've left you behind but no. He ran back in and carried your ass out. You and him worked together to resurrect me. Remember that? When you and John created a crazy plan to steal my body in the middle of the funeral service. You and him worked as a team on that. So why? Why do you suddenly think he's a criminal?"

I knew I wasn't going to get a response. So I don't understand why I did what I did next. Something in me just snapped.


There was no response. Of course there was no response. The kid isn't conscious. But it made me angrier.
I grabbed Dick by the shoulders and started to shake him viciously.


I felt a firm grip on my arm. I looked over and saw that it was Bruce. He was trying to pry my hands off Dicks..... Neck?
In my anger I hadn't even noticed that I was strangling him. I quickly brought my arms to the side of my body and took several steps away from the bed. Bruce turned and looked at me. An angry scowl on his face. He was about to say something but I ran out of the room before he could.


What I'd just done was not okay. I was strangling Dick. I could've killed him. I didn't know what to do so I zeta'd to the cave.
The first thing I saw was the team crowded in the centre of the room. What the heck is going on now? My answer comes almost immediately when I hear a scream come from the centre.

"You ass! Why did you take me? I can help him beat them! Im not hiding in your stupid mountain!"

I walked towards the team and saw what they were all looking at. Zatanna trying to calm down a little boy while he yells abuse at her.

"Uhhh. Who's he?" I ask.

"That is what we are waiting to find out." Aqualad answered. "Zatanna. Care to introduce us."

Zatanna looked away from the boy to the group.

"This is Jason T..."

"My name is Jason. This witch kidnapped me and took me away from my brother and I desperately want to go home." The boy explained, quickly interrupting her.

"Jason saying I kidnapped you isn't going to help him."

"Why do you care about helping him?! Because he snogged you?" The boy said. "If you really cared about him you wouldn't have left him to deal with the assassins himself!"

"He wanted to deal with it alone."

"And you're gonna let him? They will kill him!"

"I know. That's why I'm going to convince the team to help him. But thats not going to work if you tell them I kidnapped you!" Zatanna said. Raising her voice.

Its safe to say that I was lost. And I'm pretty sure no one else knew what they were arguing about either.

"Stop arguing you two and explain what has happened!" Aqualad demanded.

The two looked back to the team. The boy talked first.

"My name is Jason Todd, I live in Gotham with John."

"John!" The words flew out of my mouth before I knew it.

Zatanna nodded at my statement.
Together the two explained the entire situation to the team. They told us about the assassins. About how John got blackmailed into helping them. And that he betrayed them and now they are hunting him. They even talked about the tacos.

"So he's not a criminal?" Wally queried and Zatanna shook her head.

"Nope" she said.

I'm so glad he isn't a criminal. We don't have to bring him in. He can still be apart of the team. Apart of my life. But the assassins are hunting him. He might die without our help.

"So we are going to help him right?" I ask, quickly looking at Aqualad.

His eyes are concentrating on the floor as he thinks what the best plan of action would be.

"I will have to consult with Batman. From there we will figure out what to do." Aqualad finally said.

"What!" Zatanna exclaimed. "John might not have that much time. We need to go and help him now!"

"I will need to talk to Batman first."

"No! He needs us now. Please! You can't let him die." Jason pleaded.

"Listen. John will be able to handle himself. He's survived this long and he will have to keep surviving. None of you are to go and help him until we have this settled. Understood."

"Ahh. No!" Jason stated.

"Meghan would you mind taking our guest to the lounge. Maybe you two can cook something." Aqualad suggested.

"Uhh. Yeah. Okay." Megahn said, walking up taking Jasons hand. "C'mon Jason."

"Let go of me you green-argghhh." He shrieked as Megahn levitated him towards the kitchen.

"I'm going to go talk to Batman at the Batcave." Aqualad said. Turing and walking towards the zeta.

"I'm coming!" I said running after him.

Even if Batman doesn't allow us to help John. I'm going to anyway. Nothing will stop me protecting my bro.

Wow. Its been a few days since I updated and I come back with strangling unconscious people, boys yelling abuse and Katie going crazy.
What a great comeback!

Ocelots are cats

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