Chapter 21: Secret Life of John

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I've spent hours out here trying to find him. But haven't even come close. The city's to big and John knows how to make himself small. I'll probably never be able to find him.
I decide to make my way towards a zeta beam to get back to Mount Justice. It's dark now and Meghan's probably worried sick.
On my way I get surrounded by a gang of four guys and they shove me into the nearest alley. I forgot I was in Gotham. Crime capital of America.
One of the men force me against a wall.

"Whats a little beauty like you doing out here at night." The man taunted.

"Nothing that concerns your ass." I retort.

The guy puts his head right up close to mine and I can feel his breath on my ear.

"But your ass will be concerned." He whispers creepily, putting a firm grip on my hips.

Okay to far. Time to end this.

"dinB speerc ni epor."

Rope magically started wrapping around the four crooks. They fell to the ground and started rolling around like mad, grunting as they did it.

"Didn't you boys pick the wrong girl to try and take advantage of." I taunted them.

"You freak!" One of them yelled.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. Someone will find these guys and bring them in. Before I exit the alley a voice draws me back in.

"These guys really didn't stand a chance against you. Didn't they."

I turned around and saw John standing over the men on the ground. He'd knocked them out.

"John!" I exclaimed and ran towards him. I immediately wrapped my arms around him. 

"You seem excited to see me." He stated.

"I'm just glad they haven't found you yet." I say.

John gently pushes me off of him.

"Who's looking for me?" He asked.

"Batman has sent the team to hunt you down and bring you in."

John sighed. "Because of what I did to Robin?" I nod and he turns around. "What happened to Robin wasn't meant to happen. There wasn't meant to be a fight. I wasn't meant to lose control." He said facing me again.

"Lose control? What do you mean?"

He sighed again and took off his skull mask before explaining.

"Theres this thing that is common amongst assassins or any murderer really. They call it a bloodlust."

"A bloodlust?" I say.

"Its when you just get this thirst for blood and you... Well you go savage. You will do anything to kill the person you want to kill." He explained looking off into the distance. His eyes then turned to me. "Is Robin dead?" He asked.

I shook my head. "But he hasn't woken up yet."

"If Katie hadn't of stopped me Robin would be dead."

The Heroes and The Villains (sequel to The hero and the villain)Where stories live. Discover now