Chapter 2: Introductions

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Artemis' POV

Wally and I walked towards his house. He had convinced me to stay at his place for the night because my mother wasn't home. His argument was that he didn't want me to be alone. But I'm pretty sure he's the one that wants the company.

"Artemis." He whined. "You're walking so slow. Why can't I just carry you. We'll get there so much faster."

"No! I have my own legs. I'm going to use them." I retorted.

I've had to carry my mother sometimes because her legs don't work. She hates it when she gets carried. I hate it to. She is such a strong woman, but she has such a big weakness.

"We are nearly here anyway. Oh. By the way. You will have to climb a tree near my bedroom window to get in."


"C'mon Artemis. My parents can't see me bring home a girl. They'll ask so many questions and it'll be weird."

"So what you're saying is you don't want your parents to meet me."

"What! No! I just don't want them to meet you right now." Wally tried to defend himself.

He stopped and looked towards a lit up house.

"This is it." He said. "Now, the tree is in the back..."

I walked ahead oh him towards the house. When I reached the door I lifted the doormat and picked up a key.

"How did you..." Wally asked running up behind me.

"Everyone keeps their keys under the doormat. It's not very smart." I told him.

I inserted the key into the door.

"Wait!" Wally exclaimed before I turned it. "Okay. I'll introduce you. But please just don't embarrass me." He begged.

I turned towards him and put my hands on my hips.

"And how the heck would I embarrass YOU?" I said, putting an emphasis on the last word.

He tensed up and looked at me for a second. He then relaxed.

"You have a point." He said. "I don't know how. But if the opportunity presents itself then please. Don't embarrass me." He continued to beg.

"Okay. I won't Baywatch."

"Oh and don't call me Baywatch." He added quickly.

"You're pushing it Wally." I said opening the door. I looked back at him. "Anymore requests before we go in?"

Wally thought for a moment and then shook his head.

"Okay. Now let's go meet your parents."

I walked inside. Wally followed. I could here the television from the hallway and could see a light from it shinning in from a room. Wally (being the gentleman that he is) quickly walked ahead of me and stopped me in my track.

"Wait a minute." He whispered.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Just wait!" He whispered again.

He then walked in through the door that the light was coming from.

The Heroes and The Villains (sequel to The hero and the villain)Where stories live. Discover now