Chapter 7: Recovery Pt 1

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Okay. Maybe I should have listened to Robin. Maybe I should have gone home.
Probably because everything hurts and I am currently paralysed in my bed.

We had finished curing the last of the mutated students last night and it took a massive toll on my body. Meaning it ached so bad that I had to take a bunch of painkillers and then Dick had to carry me into bed.
Well I don't think he had to, but it was nice that he did. I had fallen asleep in his arms before he even made it to my room.

But now I lay here. Not being able to move because of the pain. Even my goddamn face hurt. Even though I passed out, I still didn't get much sleep. But that wasn't because of the pain. It was because of the dream.
No, not dream, nightmare.
It was the exact same one I used to have when I came back from the dead. I thought I had stopped having them. It had been months since my last one and I thought I was in the clear. But I guess all of that therapy with Black Canary didn't stop them indefinitely.

I heard a knock and the door then opened, Dick poked his head in. His eyes found me in the bed under the all of the covers with my head poking out the top. I had been like this all night because I literally could not move.

"You missed breakfast." Dick said, fully entering the room. "You alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I lied. "I just slept in, thats all."

I didn't want to tell him about the Nightmare. I didn't want his pity. I didn't want to be his broken girlfriend again.

The side of the bed lowered as he sat down on it. He studied my face.

"You still look tired." He said.

"Yeah. I guess I still am."

He turned his gaze off of me and his eyes travelled around the room. He then brought them back to me.

"Listen. About yesterday. How I thought I could order you to go home. I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to get seriously hurt y'know." He apologised.

My heart fluttered. He had the confidence to admit he was wrong. Damn. I guess that means I should tell the truth as well.

"Don't be sorry." I said. "You were right."

He put on a shocked expression.

"I was right?" He said.

"I should've gone home because right now, my entire body is killing me." I admitted.

A smile crept onto his face. "Well that isn't good. Is it." He said. Getting up off the bed and ripping the covers off my body. His smile then disappeared when he saw how many bruises and scabs there were on my arms. And they are the only things you could see. Who knows what was under my pj's.

"I've had worse." I said, remembering the horrible burns I got from when my brother blew me up.

Dick looked me up and down and stopped at my face.

"So I guess your not going to school today?" He asked.

"No. I don't think I will." I answered.

He nodded. "Good. It got cancelled today anyway." He said, starting to back out of the room. "Wait here a minute. I'll be right back."

He then left before I could say anything. Sadly, thats an annoying trait he got from Batman.
I laid there waiting for him to come back. What else was I gonna do. I can't move. My body still felt like it was crying and I was suddenly cold.
I looked at the blanket that had been taken away from my body. Using all the strength I had, I painfully managed to grab the blanket and pull it back over me.

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