Chapter 50: The Finale...

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There was a knock on my door and Dick entered.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded and walked up to him. His eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses. His tie wasn't even on straight so I adjusted it for him.

"Are you gonna be alright?" He asked as I messed around with his tie.

I smiled at him. "Of course I'll be alright."

Why shouldn't I be. John is finally getting laid to rest. We should've had his funeral days ago.
Dick nodded and took my hand. Together we walked downstairs where Alfred, Bruce and Jason were waiting. Bruce was actually Batman right now. He was just wearing a black formal suit with his cowl. That man will go to great lengths to protect his identity. Like Dick, Jason was also wearing glasses that completely covered his eyes... I'm still wondering why because the team knows who he is. But I just shrugged it off. Today wasn't a day to think about that. Today is about John.

We all piled into the car and Alfred drove us to his funeral. There were many more people there than I thought. The entire team was there along with Lindsay and Barbara. Some members of the JL had shown all dressed in formal suits and attire except for the sunglasses and masks. I actually didn't recognise some of them. Even Roy Harper was present. I didn't even think he really knew John. There were also some really shady and mysterious people there. I had to wonder if they were some of Johns old acquaintances from the assassin times. When else would he have met them?

Dick and I sat in the front row next to Zatanna. I immediately wrapped my arms around her. She did the same to me.

"Are you okay Zatanna?"

"I'm fine. Just glad he's finally getting he's funeral.... I hope he'll be happy with this sendoff."

"I don't think he would care how he goes. As long as you are there to see him." I assured her.

Jason appeared on Zatanna's other side and she immediately hugged him.

"How are you feeling Jay?" She asked.

"I'm... I'm alright." He answered.

"Alright is perfect." Zatanna smiled.

As the funeral went on, Zatanna and I went up and said some words. Zatanna told a story about an event they shared together. I just told them everything I knew about the guy... Which you'd think would take up more than a page... But John was a very secretive man.

Afterwards we all travelled to the cemetery. This is the part where I thought it would be super cliche and that it would start to form large black clouds and would begin billowing down rain at any second. But no. In fact it was sunny outside. And the weather was at that comfortable temperature where its not hot nor cold.

Lindsay ended up sparking a conversation with me.

"Hey Katie." He hugged me. "I learned yesterday that he was your brother. I-I I'm sorry about what happened to him. It must really suck."

"I've gotten past it. I've accepted the fact that my body was used to kill him. Its just something I have to live with." I told him. "So. Who told you about John?" I asked.

"Uh- Zatanna did. She told me so many amazing things that he did... And maybe some not so amazing things, but he was still just an awesome guy. And I'm honoured to become the next Skull. To continue the trend that he started.... If you're okay with that that is."

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