Chapter 31: More Therapy More Missions

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"Where have you been Katie?" Canary asked.

Black Canary and I sat in a diner. Far away from the other customers. I'd set up a meeting with her here today. I needed someone to talk to.

"I've been around." I answered.


I nodded and Canary just looked at me.

"You haven't been to the Mountain in five days. I thought Robin was being paranoid when he was acting the way he was."

"How was he acting?" I asked.

I still haven't talked to Dick since the party. I've now reached the stage where I feel like I've been gone too long to tell him what happened that night. I feel like it'll be awkward and weird and utterly terrifying to even see him. But I want to see him. I want to be with him again so badly.

"He's just been... Jumpy. Always looking at the Zeta to hope someone will walk through. He's not training properly and yesterday he passed out during a meeting." Canary told. "Whats been going on between you two? Whatever it is, its affecting you both."

She was talking about the massive bags under my eyes. My messy hair and probably my dopey look.

"Nightmares," I said.

And the fear of never being with Dick again.

"Have they been bad?" Canary asked.

I nodded. "More frequent and violent. Last nights felt real."

I was talking about last night when Artemis woke up to me convulsing in bed. She managed to calm me down in my sleep but I then immediately started up again.

"And the only thing that can stop your nightmares..."

"Is Dick." I finished her sentence off.

"Then why aren't you two talking?"

I looked her in the eyes and told her everything. From the things Dick said to me after he was concussed, to me making out with Chris at the party. She sat there calmly, nodding her head with my words as she soaked in everything I was saying.
When I finished she sat there in silence, obviously analysing what I just told her.

"Well," she started. "This sounds like something straight out of a bad soap-opera."

She smiled. I didn't.

"Katie, I really think your best option here is to just tell Dick exactly what you just told me. Tell him how you feel, your emotions, the anger, the regret, the awkwardness, the love. Tell him everything. If he rejects you then he's a dick. If he forgives you, you are happy again."

I nodded at her words.

She believes I should just tell him. So does Artemis. So I guess its the right thing to do.

"I also think you should come to the mountain tonight." Canary suggested.

"Why?" I asked.

"Batman has a mission for the team. And you look like you need to punch some people."

"Robin will be there." I mumbled.

"Great. You can talk to him there."


We were in our usual line up while Batman explained the mission to us. Our entire team spread in a single line actually made me realise how big we were now. We had Aqualad, Robin, Wally and Artemis, being very close to each other (better remind myself to ask Arty why), Meghan, Conner, Zatanna and Me. Rocket wasn't here, she's never here. But the team was still pretty big. No wonder they usually split us into smaller teams now.
The mission was something about Captain Cold and the Rouges doing stuff.
I actually wasn't paying attention to the Dark Knight's briefing. I was too distracted by Robin. Every chance I got I would take a glance at him.
I still need to tell him what I've done and how I feel. I'm gonna do it after the briefing. Like, immediately after. I swear I will.
Batman dismissed us and everyone started to head to the rooms to get changed. Everyone but Robin and I. The darkness of our sunglasses met each other. My mind was ready to tell him.
But my legs weren't. I couldn't stop myself from quickly walking off to the change rooms. Which sucks because I swear Robin was about to open his mouth and say something.

What is wrong with me?

This chapter is shorter than usual because it is really late. Like, 3 am. Thats not a healthy time to be writing a story. I'll probably wake up tomorrow, read this and say.
'This is bloody terrible. Whats wrong with tired me?'
And the worst part is I'll be too lazy to rewrite it.
Oh well.

Ocelots are cats.

PRESENT DAY, I wrote this last night and read over it just then. I decided it was fine so I'm just gonna publish it in 3, 2, 1.

Also I'ma gone for da week. So BYEEE! No one die while I'm gone.

Ocelots are cats.

The Heroes and The Villains (sequel to The hero and the villain)Where stories live. Discover now