Chapter 24: He Said What?

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I'm hiding under my bed. I don't want to see him. Not after what he said.
I hear him rush out of my room, obviously thinking I've run away. But no, I'm under the bed, trying to keep my emotions together. Am I succeeding... No, I'm not.
I crawl out and stand up. Swiping another tear out of my eye.
First place he'll check is Mount Justice. I'll have to wait a while until I go there. I sit down on my bed. The only sound being heard is the occasional sob that comes from my throat.
Why am I acting like this. C'mon Katie you're strong. You don't need to cry. Especially for something this stupid. They are only words, not punches, not kicks.
Words that make me feel like I've been punched and kicked.
Another tear falls down my cheek and I swipe it off with anger. My phone starts beeping and I check it, seeing that I have a message from Artemis.

'Are you okay???'

Me: 'not really. How did you know?'

Artemis: 'Robin came to the cave. He's desperately searching for you.'

Me: 'I don't want him to find me. I don't want to talk to him.'

Artemis: 'I'm zeta'ing home. Use my place as a hideout and we can talk.'

Me: 'I don't feel like talking.'

Artemis: 'not an option. Come on.'


Zatanna's POV

I walked into the lounge to see Meghan in the kitchen cooking. I looked around to try and find the little black haired boy. But he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Hey Meghan, wheres Jason?" I asked.

Meghan smiled at me. "He just went to the bathroom. The kid is so cute. He knows how to cook."

"Oh alright." I said, I began to leave, but then quickly stopped and turned back towards Megahn. "Uhh. How long has it been since he left for the bathroom?"

Meghan looked up in thought and then quickly looked at me guiltily.

"About twenty minutes ago." She said.

My eyes widened and I quickly left the room. Heading towards the boys bathroom. I broke the normal rules and walked straight in.

"Jason!" I called.

No response.
I looked in all the cubicles and the shower area. The bathroom was completely deserted.
And that means that Jason has left the mountain.


Katies POV

"Did you two fight?"

"I wouldn't really call it a fight."

"Then what was it?"

"He said some things. Hurtful things."

"Do you want me to put an arrow through his chest?"

I didn't respond.
Artemis sat beside me on her bed and put an arm around me.

"Katie. Obviously what he said was bad. I mean, you're still crying."

As if on cue another tear rolled down my face. Artemis wiped it away with her thumb.

"What did he say?" She asked.

I looked away from her.

"He said 'once a villain, always a villain'."

Artemis looked shocked.

"He said that?"

I nodded. "Right to my face. Also said some stuff about my family. I mean, I know my family is messed up. But-he-he..." I started to stutter and burst into tears.

I'm so emotional right now. I feel anger, sadness, fear and probably a lot more stuff, all at once. Its turning me into a wreck.

Artemis pulls me into her and I sob on her shoulder.

"How about I punch him in the face multiple times for yah. Prick shouldn't get away with saying this stuff to you."

I continue to cry on her. She begins to stroke my hair and pulls me closer.

"He doesn't deserve a beautiful girl like you Katie. And you don't deserve a monster like him."

"I don't want to break up with him though." I sob.

It was the truth. I don't want to end it with Dick because he said some things. I want to love the boy forever.

"I don't want you two to break up either. You are the perfect combat couple. But, you still have Dick if you do break up with Robin. Dick is nice, fun and loves you."

A part of me really wanted to tell her that Dick and Robin were the same person. But I didn't. I'm not gonna be the reason his identity goes viral. Even though I can definitely trust Artemis.

I stop crying and look up at her.

"Thanks for being here Artemis. It means a lot how much you care...."

My eyes trail away from her to out the window behind her. There is a ninja standing on her fire escape. He doesn't seem interested in us. It just looks like he's taking a break from something.
Artemis follows my eyes and sees it too. Our eyes turn back to each other and we nod and casually walked out the room.
We get changed into our outfits, put on our gear and head outside so we can trail the assassin.

Y'know, just the casual ninja that hangs out on fire escapes. Oh an just a warning. In the next chapter, shit goes down.

Ocelots are cats

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