Chapter 8: Recovery Pt 2

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Wally's POV

"Do you feel okay?" I asked. "I mean. Its not everyday you turn into a giant mutated Monster."

"I feel perfectly fine." Artemis stated as she lied in her bed.

"Well. Do you want anything? I can get you something..."

"Wally. Please. I'm fine." Artemis glared at me.

She didn't look fine. She was pale and sick. But I saw the look she was giving me and decided to back off. I just wish she'd let me help her.

"I'm only in this bed because my mom has forced me to rest." She complained. "But I feel perfectly healthy."

"You're not." I said abruptly.

She quickly turned her head straight to me.

"What?!" She said in a hostile tone.

Here we go. About to argue.

"Artemis. Admit it. You're sick." I accused.

"No. I'm no..."

"You are." I pointed to a plate sitting on her bedside table, the meal on it hadn't been touched. "You haven't been eating. This is the least I've ever seen you move, and I've seen you asleep. Also you have bags under your eyes and your face is as pale as as a white wall." I explained.

"That means nothing." She defended, crossing her arms and looking away from me.

"Artemis, admit it. You're sick. And you know it."

Why does she have to always be so stubborn.
She turned her head back to me.

"And what if I am?" She said, a little annoyed. "What? I'll just be your little sick princess that you need to take care of." She said.

Seriously! Was she worried about what I was going to think if her. Does she realise she's talking to the teams goofball.
I kneeled beside her bed and grabbed one of her arms.

"Not a princess I NEED to take care of." I leaned forward, right into her ear. "A princess I WANT to take care of." I whispered.

Her eyes widened, she seemed lost. Her cheeks going a very light pink but still an obvious one. Then almost as if she entered her body again she turned to me with a frown.

"That was so weak." She stated.

I sighed and sat down on a chair I had put beside her bed.

"I just want to help Artemis." I said as I sat.

There was a silence in the room and I rested my hand on my face and started studying the contents of the place.
It was literally two old beds surrounded by worn out wallpaper that had ripped off in some areas. A single alice in wonderland poster sat on the wall beside me. The place was bleak to say the least. I just couldn't believe Arty had grown up in this room.

"Wally?" I heard.

I looked over at the blonde sitting in the bed, looking at me.

"My mouths pretty dry. I guess, I could use some water."

Did she just... Is she letting me help her!
A smile grew on my face and I ran out of the room with all my speed. I ran to her kitchen, opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water and ran out in under two seconds. Leaving a very startled Mrs. Crock in the kitchen.
Before Artemis knew it she had an opened bottle of water in her hand.

The Heroes and The Villains (sequel to The hero and the villain)Where stories live. Discover now