Chapter 17: Race To Moth

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No nightmares. Not even a little glimpse of one. Thats how powerful Dick is. He can even ward off bad dreams like a dreamcatcher. Well, one that isn't made out of string and a hoop.
I opened my eyes actually feeling well rested for the first time in weeks. The first thing my eyes noticed was Dick staring at me, a little smile plastered on his face. It brought a grin to my face.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey" he replied. "How did you sleep?"

"Perfect." I said, I really did. 

"Perfect huh. Would that have anything to do with me being in here with you?" He smirked.

"Maybe," I smirked back.

"We should do it more often then." Dick suggested.

"Maybe we should."

There was a knock on the door.

"Miss Simmons. Breakfast is ready." Alfred called. "Would you have any idea where Master Dick is?" He asked.

"Ahh. Yeah. He's in here Alfred." I called back.

"..... Of course he is. Anyway. Breakfast is on the table and I won't be doing reheats. So get down there and eat."

"We'll be there in a minute Alfred." Dick responded. He turned to me. "I'm still full from that spaghetti." He said.

I nodded. "Same. But breakfast is the most important meal"

Dick looked at me funnily.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing. You just sounded like Alfred for a second there."

"Shut up and lets get some food." I said, getting out of bed.


We had been doing nothing all day. Just sitting and watching movies. It was nearing night now and we were so bored. Dick turned on the news.

"This is Viki Vale reporting live from the Gotham First Bank where it is currently on lock down as killer moth has taken hostages and is robbing the place."

I looked at Dick and he looked at me.

"It's only killer moth. I'm sure the cops can handle him." Dick said.

"He has hostages. And what else are we gonna do tonight. Search for more boring movies." I said.

Dick looked at the TV, then back to me.

"You have a valid point." He said. "Wanna make it interesting?"

"How interesting?" I said suspiciously.

"First one to the bank gets the first strike on moth."

"Hmmm" I smiled. "You're on!"

"Okay." We both stood up and got into starting positions. "Three... two..."

Hey pushed me and I fell over. He then started running.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Is that the way you treat your girlfriends!"

"You would've done the same!" He yelled back.

No. I would've done worse. I'm gonna do worse.
I got up and started running to the entrance to the batcave, Dick had already opened it and it was now closing. I managed to jump through just before it closed. I started running down the stairs.

"Owwww!" I heard.

When I got to the bottom I saw Dick on the ground, nursing his shoulder. The idiot had fallen down the stairs. If this was under any other circumstance I would've stopped and helped him. But this is a competition. And I'm really competitive.
I ran into the change rooms, grabbed my costume and started to strip. Dick then ran in and grabbed his costume.

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