Chapter 46: The True Villain

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Everything went wrong.

How could we be so foolish as to think it would be that easy... Its never that easy. Something had to go wrong. Thats the way it works...

But we never expected it to go wrong like this. What was happening was so obvious, but none of us noticed it, not even Batman.
All of the thugs in this building were wearing masks or some kind of headgear. The Joker was wearing his big purple top hat. We were all wearing hats when we were being mind controlled to kill John in that amusement park battle arena.
The Joker was being mind controlled. All of his thugs were being mind controlled.

I clearly see this now as I kneel on the floor, Robins body sprawled across my arms. Blood leaking rapidly from his chest. The Joker standing over us and laughing manically with a bloodied knife in his hand. Behind him... Stood the Mad Hatter.

How did we not notice.
As we were looking out the window and watching the team tend to the children, the headgear that the thugs were wearing started to spark up and woke up the thugs. It caught the team off guard and most of them got taken down. We don't know if any of them are still up because as we turned to get down there and help them the Joker stabbed his knife straight into Robins chest and he punched me to the ground. We hadn't noticed that the Jokers top hat had sparked too and made the clown wake up.

I placed my hand on Robins cheek as his eyes closed. His face was turning pale. He was losing a lot of blood.

"Y'know. If you play your cards right," The Mad Hatter grinned, moving closer to me. "I'll let you be my new Alice."

"Go to hell!" I spat at him, as Robin groaned in my lap.

"Oh No no no no no. Thats not something Alice would say. She would never speak like that."

"I'm not Alice."

"Don't be ridiculous. You're perfect for the role. Well... That is after I... Fix you up a bit." The Hatter grinned.

"I can arrange that for you,"  The Joker smirked, raising his blade to my face.

"No no no. You will not harm my new Alice." The Joker immediately took his knife away from me. "Why don't you go take care of the Batman." The Hatter instructed.

The Joker grinned wider and waltzed out of the room. He started singing that batman version of jingle bells. Its nowhere near Christmas.

I glanced down at Robin. His face was almost whiter than flower. I need to get him help immediately. How easy would the Mad Hatter be to take down. Would he have a secret weapon hidden if I try to make a move.... Only one way to find out.

I gently lifted Robin off my lap and laid him on the floor. His red suit had become a dark crimson.
The Hatter moved closer to me once more.

"Would you like a hat of your own Alice?" He asked. "I have a very large collection. Some of which you may be interested in."

I tackled him. I had him on the floor as I sat on top of him. But he just grinned, not an insane grin like the Joker, it was almost like a gentle one.

"Oh Alice. You always did have that fighters spirit in you."

"Shut Up!" I exclaimed and punched him in the face, I had to get Robin out of here.

I pulled out my pepper spray and was about to get his eyes when he slapped it out of my grip, it went sliding across the floor. I went to punch him again, but he caught my fist.

"Is that any way to treat your friend Alice?"

"I'm Not Alice!" I angrily said. This guy had a severe addiction to Alice in Wonderland.

The Heroes and The Villains (sequel to The hero and the villain)Where stories live. Discover now