Chapter 19: I'm Sorry

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Johns POV

I'm sitting on the fire escape outside my apartment looking in through the window. I've taken my mask off so I can feel the cool night air out here. It's soothing.
Inside my young roommate is in the kitchen. Well, the makeshift kitchen we created which consists of a portable gas stove, a mini fridge and a laundry bucket for a sink all sitting on a plastic table. He's in there cooking dinner for the both if us. It brings a smile to my face knowing that I taught the kid how to cook. I almost laugh as I remember when he burnt pasta. How the heck do you burn pasta.

I quickly frown off the smile and look away from the window.
I shouldn't be smiling. Not after what I just did to Robin/Dick. For all I know the kid is dead. I just walked out when Katie needed my help.
Poor Katie. How could I do that to my sis. Leave her alone with her dying boyfriend.
What is wrong with me?
None of that was supposed to happen. When I figured out that they were following me I planned to lure them to that abandoned building and then tell them to back off. There wasn't meant to be a fight. I wasn't meant to go into a bloodlust. Especially for Dick.
Its a common thing for assassins. The desire to just kill everything. Its what happens when you're taught to kill someone at the age of three. But I totally lost it. I wanted his blood. I wanted him dead.
I looked down at my hands to see them covered in blood, Dicks blood. It was all over my suit. Like someone doused me in crimson paint.

"Katie, Dick" I said outloud. "I'm sorry. None of that was supposed to happen."

A tear fell out of my eye and I could feel more coming. I buried my face into my hands.

"I'm sorry."

I heard the window open and I quickly look up.

"Hey, you're back." The boy stated.


"What are you doing out here?"

"I was just about to come in." I lied.

He nodded. "Alright cool." He then squinted his eyes at my body. "Hey are you hurt? It looks like you're bleeding."

I looked down at Dicks blood.

"Uhh... Yeah. I'm bleeding." I lied again.

"Damn, looks like a lot. You want me to get the Medkit and take a look at it?"

"No. No I'll patch myself up. I'm good."

"You sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. What are you cooking?" I asked, trying to get away from the blood.

"Pasta." He replied.

"Don't burn it this time."

"I'm not gonna burn..." He turned to look back at the stove. "OH CRAP!" He exclaimed and quickly ran back inside.

I couldn't help but smile and laugh as he ran back in. But just like before I quickly got rid of it and replaced it with a frown.

I don't deserve to smile.


Katies POV

I sat next to Dicks body. It wasn't moving, it hadn't moved in six hours. There were cords and machines attached to him. Measuring his breathing and his heartbeat, his very faint heartbeat.
He lost a lot of blood. He needed a blood transfusion. Thank god Bruce was the same blood type. But his body was still pale. Almost transparent.

Why John? What happened?

I don't even remember how it started. I don't remember who initiated it. I just know that it happened.
And I let it happen.
I stood there and watched my brother beat Dick with an escrima stick and I didn't even do anything until the damage was severe.
Worst girlfriend ever. I can't even stop my brother from beating my boyfriend to a pulp.

I remember the look in Johns eyes. They were fully black. A scary look. It was like he was enjoying what he was doing. He wouldn't have stopped if I hadn't of intervened, which I nearly didn't.
And Dick, he wasn't responding to anything. His body was silent except for his heavy breathing. There was blood everywhere. He was going to die.

As soon as I got back to the batcave I sat next to this bed. Waiting for him to respond in some way. It was morning now and I hadn't gone to bed or had any sleep. And I'm not gonna until he wakes up.

Bruce walked into the room.

"Anything?" He asked.

I shook my head. "He hasn't moved at all." I answered.

Bruce sighed and sat down on the other side of the bed.

"His injuries were severe. He may not respond for another two days. Possibly a week." Bruce said.

I didn't say anything. I just looked at Dick.

"Katie listen. You're not going to like this but..."

"You're going to bring John in." I finished his sentence.

Bruce's eyes jumped for a second before going back to normal.

"Yes. I am." He said. "I just want to make sure you understand why I'm going to do it."

"Because you think he's dangerous. He could kill everyone." I motioned to Dick, "Heres your proof."

"Yeah. I do think he is capable of doing that. But do you think that?"

I thought for a moment. I remembered Johns eyes. How dark they were. How he was enjoying beating up Dick. But he also looked hurt by it. He was sorry for what he did. I'm pretty sure he left because he thought he'd continue to just cause damage. 

I sighed. "I don't know." I answered Bruce's question.

Bruce nodded. "Well. I just want you to know that the teams next assignment is bringing him in." He stated.

I almost laughed.

"Do you really think that we can capture him?"

Bruce shrugged. "If you work as a team, yes. But if you don't want to take part in the assignment then thats okay. I'm sure everyone on the team will understand." Bruce stood up. "Tell me if he wakes up." He said and he then left.

I turned my attention back to Dick. His body still silent.
If John was smart, which he is, he would go into hiding so not even Batman or the team would find him.

Why am I even hoping John doesn't get caught. The guy could actually be a bad guy and I wouldn't know. I don't hang out with him. He doesn't tell me anything. I really just don't know him anymore.

So why do I want him to win?

Poor John. Poor Katie. Poor unnamed kid that burns pasta.

Ocelots are cats.

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