Chapter 43: The Feels

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But it wasn't him.

It wasn't John.

The mask was different, looked poorly made. The build of the guys body was much slimmer than Johns. He didn't even have a sword. Looked like he was using knives.
The look of shock left my face and was replaced with new sadness. I thought there could've been a chance that he survived. That he'd just appear and be okay. But no. Instead someone has already taken Johns identity before he even got his funeral.
My sad eyes looked to the floor as Robin stepped towards the Skull imposter.

"Who are you?!" He demanded.

The guy shrugged. "I haven't really figured out a name yet." He answered.

I looked up at the guy, I'd heard his voice before.

"I don't care about your superhero name," Robin said. "I want your real name!"

"Dude, ever heard of a secret identity?" The guy answered, making Robin narrow his eyes.

Another figure emerged behind us in the doorway.

"Hey Lindsay. Theres another hall over..." She stopped when she saw all of us staring at her. She then smiled. "Oh hey Dick, hey Katie. What are you guys doing here?"

My eyes widened. Robins did as well. The voice of the female was easily recognisable to us.

"Barbara?" We both said, surprise evident in our voice.

"You know it." She grinned at us.

Robin and I stared at each other, our gazes then went back to Barbara who was for some reason dressed as a female Batman. We had so many questions going through our head that we couldn't say anything. We just stood there and stared at her.
It was the guy behind us that spoke.

"So you three know each other.... Thats nice."

"Yeah," Barbara said. "We're all friends at school.... Oh this is Lindsay by the way. He and I are partners."

Lindsay.... Wait is he the same guy from the party?
I looked at him. It made sense. His sister was murdered and John brought the Killer to justice. Lindsay obviously idolises John. Idolises him enough to try and become him. I wonder if he realises that the original Skull is dead?

"Barbara," Robin spoke. "What are you doing? Why are you here? What the heck are you wearing?"

"Its my Batsuit. I'm Batgirl! Lindsay and I have been teaming up together and fighting crime. We saw a guy kidnap a group of kids, so we followed him and we ended up here."

So the Joker has also kidnapped children. Why? What does he need with kids?

"What are you guys doing here?" Barbara asked.

"We are looking for a friend who wants to take down the Joker." Robin answered.

"A friend?" Lindsay said, walking around and standing next to Barbara. "Do you mean a little kid dressed in a robin suit with underpants?"

Robin nodded.

"Yeah we saw him." Lindsay nodded. "He was heading to the east-wing..... Is your girl okay?" He asked, looking at me.

He was talking about the tears that had decided to leak down the sides of my mask. I had tried to stay strong but as soon as Lindsay came into my view again the tears started again.
Robin turned around and saw me.

"Ocelot, whats wrong?" Robin said, walking up and holding my shoulders.

I turned away from Barbara and Lindsay and peeled off my mask. About a litre of water poured out with it.

"I'm okay," I said.

"You're not acting okay. Is it him?" Robin said, looking over at Lindsay.

"No. Its not him."

It was him. Seeing him wear that skull mask. Taking Johns identity. I can't deal. I just can't.

"I guess my mind is just confused thats all. I'll be fine." I promised Robin.

I shoved my mask back on.

"See fine."

Robin eyed me for a second but then nodded, looking back at the other two.

"Are you okay Katie?" Barbara asked.

I nodded. "I'm perfect."

"She'll be fine." Robin said. "Right now we need to focus on finding our friend and rescuing these kidnapped children."

I internally thanked Robin for immediately taking the attention off of me.

"You two go ahead, head to the east-wing. We'll catch up."

"What if we run into trouble?" Lindsay asked.

Robin gestured to all of the unconscious men on the floor. "I think you'll be able to handle yourselves."

The two nodded and ran off. Robin turned back to me.

"You sure your gonna be okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "I'll be fine."

"I'm sure you will. But if you feel faint or anything, please, step out of the fight. I don't want you getting hurt."

I gave him a smile. "I'll be fine. No need to worry. Now come on."

I ran out the door and heard Robin follow behind.


This one is short!

Sorry if you thought I brought John back from the dead. But I'm saving something like that for when I completely run out of Ideas. Its on the bottom of my ideas list. Right below 'kill every single character that are in my stories'.
When did I become so big on killing off my characters?

Ocelots are cats.

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