Chapter 9: Beds and Suspicions

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I've spent a lot of time in beds while recovering from wounds.
There was the time when my step-father and mother died in a car crash (although my mother came back as something horrible) and an eight year old me was forced to stay in a hospital bed for several weeks.
A time after I was mugging a guy and didn't realise he was carrying protection. I was in a bed for three days. My father wasn't very happy.
Just last year when I got punched in the stomach by a very powerful and strong Bane. I actually got my first stay in the Batcave, which was pretty cool.
There was also the time I stayed in Mount Justice for about a week because my brother blew me up.
And the time I was in a coffin for a few days because I was dead.

And now I'm lying in my bed in Wayne Manor. And just like all those times I listed.
I'm freaking bored.
So bored that I've started picking most of the scabs off of my wounds which is not a good thing when the cuts are serious. I've finished all of the StarWars movies, even watched all of the Clone Wars and Rebels. Needless to say, that is a lot of goddamn hours watching a screen.
I've been in this bed for four days. I've regained the ability to walk. But only really gotten so far as the bathroom before I really start to hurt and need to lay down again.
Dick has been in here with me every chance he gets, but he's not here today. He's gone to Mount Justice for a team meeting and I wasn't allowed to go. So I've been extra bored today. So bored that I'm going to go for a walk around the manor. Will my body be able to handle this walk? Most likely not.

I leave the bed and head towards the door. I make it to around the corner of the hallway before my insides begin to scream. But I push on because YOLO. Even though that saying doesn't really apply to me.
I make it to the grand staircase and start to make my way down it. By the time I reach the bottom I'm literally about to pass out. I enter the kitchen and see Alfred, cleaning something as usual.

"Hey Alfred." I greeted.

His reaction was predictable.

"Miss Katie!" He said, a worried look on his face. "You should not be out of bed in the state that you are in."

Oh Alfred. Surely you've lived with the people of this house long enough to know that they don't care about their body having an easy recovery.

"Alfred. Please. I'm fine."

It was as soon as I said this that my leg decided to give out. I quickly reached forward to grab the edge of the kitchen table for support. I then looked up at Alfred and smiled.

"See, I'm fine." I said, but I wasn't so sure of myself.

Alfred shook his head and sighed.

"If you say so miss katie." He then went back to his duties and I began to exit the room. "But don't expect me to pick you up when you collapse." He added.

I smiled at his comment. "I'm not going to collapse Alf." I said and then left the kitchen, making my way to the Batcave entrance.

I waited for the bookshelf door to open and reveal the secret dark staircase leading towards the cavern. Every step I took down hurt like hell. We really need an elevator.
I found Bruce in his billionaire business man attire (a suit) sitting at his usual spot in front of the Batcomputer.

"Hey Bruce." I greeted.

He eyes stayed fixated on the screen as he replied.

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