Chapter 3: A Family Reunion

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Dick and I walked through the tall open gates of Gotham Academy. One of the most highest grading schools in the state. As we entered with the crowds of other students we immediately walked towards our spot near a pole where there is a table and chairs.
Barbara was already there sitting down and reading. We sat down next to her and she didn't look up from the book.

"Hey Babs." Dick greeted.

"Hey." She said blankly, still not looking up.

Dick and I stared at each other and then looked back at the red head.

"Uh Barb. Is there a reason you are completely ignoring us?"

"Reading a really good part." She continued to not look at us.

Dick looked back at me with a smile. I knew what he was going to do. I quickly shook my head saying not to. I remember what happened the last time he tried it.

He reached his hand forward towards the book. Barbara had no idea. She was still absorbed into the book. Dick quickly grabbed the book and yanked it out of Barbara's hands. He closed the book, losing the page she was on, and looked at the cover.

"Hunger Games: Catching Fire." He read the tittle. "Babs haven't you already read this series. Don't you realise you can just watch the movies now."

Barbara rose of the seat. Glaring at Dick. I almost feel sorry for the boy, But he deserves it for showing off and taking her book.
Dick looked up from the book and saw Barbara's eyes. Staring into his soul.
If he was smart he'd find the page she was on and give it back to her. Instead he got up off the seat, having a stare off at her. No. A glare off.

"I really like the series and the books are a million times better than the movies." Barbara said angrily not averting her gaze.

They kept glaring at each other.

"Hey guys!" Artemis walked up, she seemed really happy.

She stopped and her smile left when she saw the two having their glare off. She decided to sit next to me.

"What's this about?" She whispered to me.

"Dick stole Barbs's book." I said simply.

A look of utter shock came onto Artemis's face.

"Is he looking for a death wish?" She asked.

I nodded and she continued to watch their glare off.

"So you walked up here looking happy." I stated.

"Did I?" She said still watching the two.

"Yeah." I said. "I wonder if it had anything to do with you going to Wally's last night."

Artemis turned back to me. Her face went a light shade of pink.

"And why would you wonder that?" She asked me.

I smiled, knowing I was onto something. "I don't know. You're just kinda acting, Peachy. That's all."

She looked back at Dick and Barbs. Checking if they would notice what she was about to tell me. She turned back and started to talk.

"We had a total make out session in his bed." She whispered.

"Okay." I said. I'm actually surprised Wally managed to get Artemis into his bed. She isn't really a lovey dovey girl.

"And I might have gotten down into a bra and underwear." She added.

My eyes widened.

The Heroes and The Villains (sequel to The hero and the villain)Where stories live. Discover now