Chapter 6: Attack of Rage Pt 2

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Katies POV

I woke on a bed in the Batcave med bay. I looked around at all of the medical equipment as I sat up.

I had woken before Batman had created the cure for me. Apparently there was a virus in me that would turn me into a raging beast if I got too angry. I didn't believe it at first but then he turned on the news.
I wanted to go out and help Robin and the team but he wouldn't let me. I was his test subject.
I was so relieved when he finally made the antidote because it meant that I could get out there and help. But as soon as he injected it into me I collapsed.

I now wake up here. I look to the table beside me. Alfred had left me some food. Sweet. There was also a note from Batman. It read...

You may have woken up but your body is still tired. Don't go into the city. Stay and rest.

Stay and rest. Did he really think I was gonna do that. I can't let Robin come home and start bragging about how he could take down huge monsters without me.
I got up and walked towards the change rooms and put on my Ocelot gear. I then jumped onto my bike.
The Ocebike as I like to call it, but I'm not allowed to say it around Robin or Batman. I started the engine and rode off towards the city.


Well. Thats just great. As soon as I enter the city my bike gets trashed and I get thrown off. I fell forward and my body scraped on the hard road.
I sat up and looked at the incoming crazy mutated school student as it slowly made its way towards me.
I got up off the ground. Maybe I should've stayed in bed. I only just got here and I already have grazes all around my body. It really hurts when you fly off a motorcycle at full speed. The mutation picked up an object and threw it at me.
I painfully dodged to the left. Great, it hurts to move. Thats just what I needed.
The thing threw more and more objects at me. There were fire-hydrants, parts of cars, whole cars, poles, signs, a garbage can lid. I was getting tired of jumping out of the way. I really shouldn't have come.
The student then charged at me. I jumped to the side and it ran into a wall behind me. As it was confused as to why a wall was there, I jumped into its back and pulled out my greatest weapon, pepper spray. This thing has gotten me out if so many jams.
I went all out in its eyes. Spraying the contents of the spray.
The monster looked like it was about to start crying. And it fell to the ground and clamped its hands onto its eyes.
So at least I know its still human.
I grabbed my grappling gun, that I now own thanks to my housemates, and pulled the cable out if it. I then started to wrap the cable around the beast until it was tight enough to hold it and keep it down.
I didn't fully realise my achievement until after looking at the monstrous school student for a few seconds. Then it hit me.
I just took down a super being all by myself. Without any help. While injured.

And the timing was perfect because thats when I saw the team walk onto the block.
I caught Robins gaze and smiled a cocky smile at him. Proud of what I'd just achieved.
He ran up to me and examined my body. Looking at the grazes and cuts on my arm and the dark patches on my suit where blood had soaked through. He then looked at my face and hugged me.
Hhmn. A stupid comment is what I was expecting. Not a hug.

"Whats this for?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"For being alive." He answered moving away from the hug. "You're injured. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Nothing I can't handle." I said confidently.

"Why are you here?" He asked. "You shouldn't be here. You should be resting."

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