Chapter 48: Now Come And Give Me A Kiss

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Alfred walked out of the medbay and motioned Jason and I to come in. Wally had gone back to the Jokers compound to see if the team, mainly Artemis, was alright.
We walked into the room to see Dick shirtless and lying in a bed. He had bandages heavily wrapped around his torso, blood was already starting to soak through them. He laid there completely motionless, his chest didn't even look like it was taking in any air.
Bruce was sitting beside the bed, his head was bowed down and staring at the floor. Alfred didn't follow us back into the room.
Its probably reasonable to say that I was completely terrified. I didn't know what to expect.

Is he dead?

Is he alive?

By the looks of it Bruce wasn't gonna tell me anything. He didn't even react when I walked up to the side of the bed.
I slowly brought out my hand and placed it in Dicks grip. Any second now he should squeeze it and I'll know he's okay.
No squeeze.
A choke formed in my throat as a tear broke out of my eye. There still wasn't a squeeze. Instead, I noticed that the hand was pale. So was his face. And his chest.
How much blood had he lost?
I looked over at Bruce who was now looking at me. He saw the tears falling from my eyes. He then frowned and looked at Dick.

"Dick, this is really cruel. Open your eyes before you lose your girlfriend for life."

I felt a squeeze on my hand.

My head quickly jerked over to Dicks face to see that he was awake.

"Bruce you ruined it!" He exclaimed, his voice was really weak. Dick turned his head towards me. "Surprise." He said with a smile.

Even though he was alive he looked really dead. He had deep black bags under his eyes. Super pale skin and his eyes were really bloodshot.
I frowned at the kid.

"You are such an asshole!" I exclaimed.

He just smiled, "I know... Can I get a hug?"

"No hugs!" Bruce ordered before I could even move in. "We can't risk that chest opening up again. You're in a very fragile condition Dick."

"Are kisses okay?" Dick asked.

When Bruce nodded, Dick looked at me and smiled. I rolled my eyes and kissed him (I also wanted to badly punch his already damaged chest. I mean seriously, who plays a prank like that on their girlfriend?)

When I moved back away, he noticed Jason standing far behind me.

"Hey Jay! How you holding up after our big battle?"

Jasons eyebrows were bent upwards in that sad looking way. He continued to stand back away from the bed.

"I'm sorry Dick.... It's my fault you got hurt."

Dick just laughed.

"You're goddamn right its your fault."

I quickly looked at Dick, surprised that he had said that. Jason looked to the floor.

"You left the room with Batman and weren't there to warn me about the incoming knife attack," Dick smiled and Jason looked back at him. "Actually, now that I think about it. It's your fault Bruce. Jason could've saved my life. But no. You had to drag him away to yell at the poor kid."

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