Chapter 18: Following John

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We followed my brother for over two hours. It feels like we've travelled through half the city. And he was not stopping. At least he didn't know we were chasing him.
I think?

I suddenly remembered the last time Robin and I followed my brother. He ambushed us and attacked us on a rooftop. Robin got seriously hurt.

John entered the window of a building. It looked old and completely run down. Definitely doesn't meet the modern day safety standards. Is this where he lives?
We jumped through the window behind him. There was no sign of my brother or any sign of life except for a few mice running around the place.
The building probably used to be an apartment complex but all the walls had crumbled away. The floor felt like it could give way at any second.
After walking through several sections I really wanted to get out of here.

"This place is scary." I said to Robin.

He replied with a nod.
We walked into a room that hadn't completely crumbled away. On one of the walls there was words written in glow in the dark paint.


Crap. He knows.

"Robin." I called.

"Yeah," Robin said, looking at me. His attention then went to the wall. "Oh. That means he knows we followed him, right."

"What else would it bloody mean." Said my brothers voice.

We turned around to see him standing in the doorway we just came through.
I walked towards him.

"John, hey, uhhh..." I said, trying to think of something to say.

"Why were you following me?" He demanded.

His tone made me stop and step back. It was cold and angry.

"Umm, I-I uhh." I couldn't say anything.

"WHY WERE YOU FOLLOWING ME!!!" He yelled viciously, taking a step towards me.

"Dude, calm down." Robin said, stepping in between John and I. "We just wanted to know where you live. Thats why." He explained.

"You Don't Need To Know Where I Live!" He said, calmer than before but still with a vicious tone.

"Like hell we don't!" Robin retorted. "We don't know anything about you John. We don't know where you live, we don't know what you do. For all we know you could be working with the Assassins again."

"Why Would I Work With Them Again!"

"I wish I had an answer. But you don't tell us anything!" Robin said. His voice starting to raise.

"WELL!..." John stopped himself and took a breath, trying to calm down. He stayed silent for a few seconds. "Okay, listen. I know you have your suspicions. And I know I haven't exactly been open to you people. But I'm not a bad guy. Yes I'm the ex-assassin. Yes I may seem untrustworthy. But that does not mean I'm bad."

"Then show us John. Show us where you live. Show us your life." Robin said.

John turned his back to Robin.

"No." He said.

Robin reached both hands down to his belt and pulled out two escrima sticks.

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