Chapter 12: Dealing with Fear

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Johns POV

Sit back and keep a lookout. Really? Have they forgotten that I'm the best fighter on the team. Did they forget that I can take them all down.
And what did Wally say.

"Do you think he knows?"

Know what? What aren't I allowed to know? Whats so important that Robin had to try save what had happened? Does the team even trust me?

I heard a lot if banging and looked back over towards the warehouse. All the windows and door had been shut off by metal covers.
What the heck did they do?

"Meghan? Aqualad?" I tried connecting to the mindlink. But it had been cut off.

Great. Now I gotta go save their asses.
I studied the tree line to see if anything was different. I then turned on my thermal vision that is built into my mask. I could see them inside the warehouse. The small circle they were in suddenly broke and a lot of them fell to the ground. To only get back up a few seconds later and start running around like nuts.
I better get in there. Everything else was clear so I ran towards the building. I stopped at one of the windows and studied it.
Whoever trapped them inside has done a pretty good job. The metal was tough and was reinforced. I wasn't getting in through any doors or windows.
I climbed up onto the roof to try and find an entrance. And there was one.
A single window that the trapper must have forgotten about. Perfect.
I threw an explosive ninja star at it and it shattered, sadly the shards showered into the building and all dug straight into Mrs. M. Who was cowering into a ball and rocking back and forth.
They place was filled with green mist. Gas I thought. My masks filters should be able to handle it. Should be.
I jumped down into the building. The green mist was thin enough for me to see everything. I could hear everything as well.
Screams, yelling, banging. Everyone was going crazy. Superboy was punching the air, Aqualad looked like he was holding someone in his arms, KidFlash was running around and creating mini tornadoes everywhere. I couldn't see Zatanna or Artemis anywhere. I looked at the Martian that was rocking on the floor.

"Meghan!" I exclaimed.

She had a look of utter horror on her face and her body transformed into her white martian form.

"Don't look at me. Stay away!" She screamed and turned invisible.

Okay. That was weird. I've got to do something.

"Katie please! You have to put this on!"

I turned to see Robin crouched in front of my sister. He had a gas mask on and was trying to attach one to her face. But she had the same look as Meghan and wasn't listening to him.

"No. You died because you loved me." She cried, crawling backwards away from him. "They told me you sacrificed yourself. Please. I didn't ask for you to die."

What was she talking about? Why was she acting like this?
I ran over and crouched next to Robin, who continued to try and get the mask near her face.

"Robin what happened here?" I asked, looking at my terrified sister. "Whats wrong with everyone?"

He looked over and was surprised to see me.

""No. No. He. I." Katie stuttered.

"It was a trap." Robin began. "We got gassed by the Joker. Its fear gas." He reached out and grabbed Katie. She started to fight him off. "KATIE PLEASE!" He yelled.

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