Chapter 49: His Name Is John

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I was terrified...

It has started just like the other nightmare I had. With me running on a building, enjoying the views and the breeze..... And then spotting John standing and looking out into the city, once again, his skull mask in his hands. He looks at me and smiles.

"It's beautiful isn't it." He said, turning back to the city. "Y'know, I never got a view like this at the assassin camps."

Just like last time, I hesitantly walk up to him. I can remember the old dream. Any second now he will grab me and throw me off the edge.

"John?" I said nervously.

He frowned at me.

"Why the traumatised face Sis?" He asked. "You look like you're waiting for someone to throw you off a cliff."

"Are you gonna?" I asked.

"Now why would I do that?"

"Cause thats what happened last time." I stated.

"Yeah, but a lots changed since last time." He smiled at me. "For example: Jason really likes you now."

I thought about Jason. He was right. The kid had somehow gone from not really speaking to me, to trying to kill me and definitely not speaking to me, to hugging and crying in my arms.... I guess that makes me his full on older sister now. I smiled at the thought.

"You wanna know what else changed?" John asked and I nodded. "You finally accepted that you didn't kill me. You finally understand that you had absolutely no control over your actions... Thats why I'm not gonna throw you off this roof tonight."

"But she deserves to be thrown."

Two people suddenly appeared right behind John. It was my mother and my father.

"If it wasn't for her. John would be alive. Jason would be happy, Zatanna would be happy."

John turned around and grabbed my father.

"Tony. You saved her life, you're technically a hero so shut up and stop being so demonic." John then pushed him and he fell onto the roof's surface. John then looked at my mother. "And you are the definition of demonic. So please..." He kicked her off the side of the building. "Just Fuck off!"

She crumpled into dust when she hit the road. John turned back to me.

"These pricks are just in your head Katie. But they don't have to be. You just have to think about the positives of things. Like my death. What did that achieve? You caught the Joker, Harley Quinn and the Mad Hatter. You made a new friend. And hell, you already met some new heroes and found my replacement."

"You-you're okay with Lindsay replacing your hero identity?" I asked.

"As long as your okay with it. Yeah." He smiled. "And Lindsay seems....nice."

"He's a good person."

"Exactly. My death has brought another good person onto the hero team. So don't just think of the negatives Sis. Think of the positives. And then you'll be happy. And then you'll stop having these godawful nightmares where I try to kill you.... Understand?"


"Okay. Repeat after me." He started. "No more nightmares. No more sadness."

"No more nightmares. No more sadness." I repeated.

"Okay. Now this time yell it really loudly."


"Perfect. Now wake up and say that in the real world."

The Heroes and The Villains (sequel to The hero and the villain)Where stories live. Discover now