Chapter 38: Your Kill

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The rooftops, I can safely say that they are my happy place. I can just sit on them and think. Or I can run across them and get the sensation of the gentle breeze on my face and hair. I'm currently running across them and I'm loving it. I jump over an alley and tuck and roll onto the next building. Thats when I see him.
Standing and looking out into the city, his skull mask in his hands. He looks at me and smiles. I stop in my tracks and my mind goes blank.

"It's beautiful isn't it." He said, turning back to the city. "Y'know, I never got a view like this at the assassin camps."

I hesitantly walk up to him. How is he alive? I-I thought I Kill–I don't understand.

"John... You're... You're..."

"Its a shame I'll never get to see a view like this ever again." His smile went away. "I still can't believe you killed me." He started a small chuckle. "My own sister."

"No, John please." I pleaded. "You have to understand." I grabbed his arms. "I didn't mean to kill you. I-I didn't have control." I pulled him into me. Holding him tightly. "Please."

"You're cover story is horrible." He said into my shoulder. "You didn't mean to, you didn't have control. Tell me Katie... Do you have control right now?"

"Yes. I do."

His mouth went close to my ear and he whispered gently.

"Then why did you just kill me again?"

He moved out of the hug and I found that his face was rotten. Like it had been decomposing for months. I looked down and saw that my arm was holding an arrow. An arrow that was digging directly into his heart. I let go of it and jumped back.
John lifted up his skull mask.

"Guess I have no use for this anymore."
And he threw it off the side of the building. "You see Katie. You killed me. It was your arm. And it was your body. So it was your kill."

Seeing him look like a corpse was terrifying. I couldn't actually say anything.

"J-J-John?" Was all I could muster.

John looked down off the side of the building.

"Y'know Sis. I believe that I'm a fair person. And do you know what I think is fair. The old eye for an eye saying." He put his hands on my shoulders. I tried to resist but he was inhumanly strong.

"You killed me..."

He raised me into the air, holding me above his head.

"So I kill you."

He then threw me off the side of the building. And I fell. And I fell. The ground coming closer. The rooftops moving further. I was literally seconds from impact on the hard surface of the road when my body suddenly convulsed it's self awake.

My body flew out of its resting place, a scream leaving my mouth as I did. I looked around to find that I was on the Bio-ship. The entire team was gathered in the back. It was nothing but silence coming from them. When I jumped up they all stared at me. Everyone but Zatanna who was sitting on another bed with her head tucked into her knees. Meghan sat near her, keeping her company. Artemis was holding tightly onto Wally, I've never seen her so close to him. By the looks of it she was on the verge of tears. Black Canary was with us, how'd she get here? As I looked around they noticed I was awake. But they didn't say anything. They didn't even move. Aqualad changed his sight to the bottom of the bed I was on. He then flicked his eyes up, as if trying to tell someone else I was awake.
Robin quickly rose from the floor beside me.

"Hey," he said softly.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything.

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