Chapter 26: Ninjas vs John Pt 2

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"Everyone GO!" I yelled and I grabbed Zatanna, Katie grabbed the weakened Artemis and we all dived for the window.

We landed on the fire escape. And quickly made our way down to the alley. As we went I realised I'd left my helmet in the apartment. But I don't think that thats important because Ninja stars are chasing us. I managed to dodge a few that were coming straight for me. But to my left I could see Zatanna get hit in the arm. Her knees buckled and she fell forward on the ground. I went to her side and picked her up, ripping out the star.

"You good?" I asked.

She nodded and we started to run. Katie, Jason and Artemis were ahead of us, Artemis limping with her arm around Katie. I could see the elites chase us from above on the rooftops. They would throw the occasional star down at us.
Zatanna stumbled ahead of me. I picked her up before she fell down. She put her arm around my shoulder and I carried her bridal style as we ran down the alley.
I looked back up at one of the elites and watched as a yellow blur ran past it and pushed it off the building. It stopped and dangled in mid air before it reached the ground. It then fell the rest of the way and was knocked out.
Seeing this brought a smile to my face. The rest of the team was here.
We continued to run as there was still elites chasing us. But I could hear some of them continue to be taken out behind us. I looked back to Zatanna in my arms. She was now unconscious.
Ahead of us, Katie, Artemis and Jason had stopped and were waiting for us. Not a very smart thing to do when you are being chased by elites. But then I saw that Meghan was there with them.

"The bio-ship is right here for extraction." She said, pointing at her invisible ship.

I put Zatanna in her arms.

"You all get out of here." I ordered.

"Really! You're doing this again?" Jason argued.

"Its me they want. I'll get them away from the rest of you so they won't follow the ship."

"How would they follow the ship?" Meghan questioned.

"They're elites." I answered. "Now get the hell outta here!" I demanded and then continued to run.

But of course. Jason followed.

"You aren't leaving me again John. I won't let you."

I sighed and turned around. I picked him up as I went and ran back towards the ship. I threw him down.


"NO!" He had tears in his eyes. "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME AGAIN!"

"I HAVE TO!" I took a breath. "I'm sorry Jay. This might be the last time you see me."

"Just get in the ship. We can just leave." He cried.

He was right. I could get in that ship right now, and all this could be avoided. But I have to do this one last thing.

"Stay away from crime and stay safe." I said turning away from him.

"What? NO! JOHN!"

I started running again.

"BE SAFE!" I yelled back to him.

The Heroes and The Villains (sequel to The hero and the villain)Where stories live. Discover now