Chapter 10: Nightmares

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The flames engulfed my body and I screamed a horrifying scream as the heat scabbed up my body.
Then everything went dark and dead silent. Key word: dead.

"Katie. You are the most amazing girl I've ever met. I will always love you."

Dicks voice. The last words I heard him say.

My father then appeared out of the darkness and stood in front of me. Stains on his shirt and alcohol in his hand.
He sneered at me with a ugly face.

"I'm dead because of you, ya little whore. To think my own daughter would be the cause of my death. It makes me sick!"

He spat at me and then swung his fist right into my stomach and I felt it.
His hand suddenly burst into flames and the fire spread across his entire body.


His burnt corpse dropped to the floor and convulsed every few seconds.
Suddenly the forms of every single person I've ever met appeared in front of me.
All on fire and screaming a tortuous scream of agony and pain.
I turn to my left and see Artemis. She's happy. She's smiling..... She reaches out and grabs my arm.
Her body burst into flames and she dropped to the floor, making a horrifying noise as she went.
It jump back at her sudden combustion and hit something behind me. I hear a quick squeal. One that sounds like its trying to hold in pain.
I turn to see John. His Skull mask had its side ripped off revealing half his face. But his face was burnt, Charcoaled. He reached out for me but fell forward and crumbled to ash as he hit the ground.
I look at his remains, feeling terrorised. A hand then clasps on my shoulder. I look to see that it's Dicks.

"Katie, are you okay?" He asks. Right before his hand combusts.

He screams in agony and falls into me. I catch him but that somehow only causes the flames to worsen. Alls I can hear is his screams. They don't stop and I can't move. I try to open my mouth to at least scream at what is happening in my arms but nothing comes out.
Soon his screams are cut off and I'm left with him, burnt in my arms. He doesn't make a sound. I can't make a sound. Not even a tear can drop out of my eye. And I'm stuck there, holding the dead body of the only person I've ever truly loved.
I squeeze my eyes closed. Trying to wake up. I want to wake up. I need to wake up. Please....

I open my eyes and see that I'm hugging a pillow. I sit up and look around, I'm in my room. I woke up. The nightmare is over.
I immediately get out if bed and go into the bathroom. I splash water onto my face to wake me up. I'm not going back to sleep tonight. Or tomorrow. Not if the dreams are back. I've gone through these before. I thought they'd stopped. I'd hoped they'd stopped forever. But obviously not.
I walk back into my room and check the time.
Its only two o'clock. Batman will be in the batcave doing stuff. And Dick might already be in bed. Unless they're patrolling longer than usual.
I leave my room and make my way to Dicks. I slowly and silently open the door and find that he's not in bed.
I wonder where he is?
I decide to go down to the batcave to see if theres anyone in there. As I walk down the steps I hear yelling and decide to run. When I make it to the computer I see Robin trying to carry Batman towards the Medbay. But Batmans not having it and is yelling.

"Let go of me you criminal! You're not killing them. They're my family!!!"

He also tries to punch and swing at him but misses. Batman missing a punch. Something definitely wrong.

"Dick?" I yell out, he stops and looks at me

"Katie! I need some help!" He replies.

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