Chapter 23: The Dicks Awake

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Aqualad and I entered the Batcave. Kalder was the only member (other than robin and I) that had official access to the Batcave. But he didn't know its location and was only allowed to be there if he has something serious to discuss.
We walked past the door to the MedBay where Dick currently was. I looked at Aqualad. 

"I'll catch up." I told him and entered the room.

Dick was still in there. Completely still and silent. How long had it been? Six days? Almost a week. John really did a number on him but at least we now know for sure that he's on our side.
I looked at Dicks head and suddenly felt a truckload of guilt fall on me.
He had bruises around his neck.
Did I really strangle him that hard? I still don't understand how that happened. I put my in hand into his and leant forward to plant a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm sorry Dick" I said, moving back from his head.  "I didn't mean to..."

I gasped as the hand I was holding suddenly tightened around mine.


His eyes suddenly shot open and he raised forward.

"John!" He exclaimed.

He looked around the room. An angry look on his face. His eyes found me and softened a little.

"Katie, where'd John go!" He demanded angrily.

I was taken aback by the tone he was using.

"Johns not here." I said. But that only made him angrier.

"You let him get away! Why didn't you stop..." His eyes then travelled around the room. "Why am I in the Batcave MedBay?" He asked.

"You've been in a coma for six days." I told him.

His eyes widened and then narrowed again.

"John beat me didn't he?" He said bitterly. "Goddammit!"

He jumped out of the bed and ripped off some of the cords that were attached to him.

"Thats it. I'm bringing him in. I'll get the team to help me." He said, walking toward the door.

"Dick wait! He's not a bad guy."

Dick turned and glared at me. He was vicious. He was angry. And it was terrifying.

"Are you seriously still defending him. After what he's done to me and probably other people. He put me in a coma for gods sake!"

"Dick. Listen to me." I pleaded, grabbing his arm.

He ripped his arm away from me.

"I can't believe you Katie! He's an assassin, he's a villain!"

"He's changed."


My eyes widened and I backed away from him. My eyes looked at the ground.
Once a villain, always a villain.
Is that really what he thinks. That John will always be bad. That I will always be bad. Does he actually realise how much we want to get out of that lifestyle. Mugging people every night. Stealing from stores. Does he realise that some people like that actually hate what they are doing. Why should he. He just beats them up. We all just beat them up.
Dick doesn't even notice that a tear had began to streak down my face. He's pacing around yelling stuff. What the hell is wrong with him?

"He's a criminal Katie. Why can't you just see that? I understand that he's your family, but your mother was evil and your father wasn't much better....." He turned and looked back at me and finally realised that my eyes were watering. "Why are you crying?"

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